Monday, June 7, 2010

It's Been a While

It has been a while since I posted on either of my blogs. Highly unusual for me not to have a lot to say! I have been busy with kids getting out of school, which kinda sucks by the way. Now I have to pay for daycare for just over 2 months. I figured it's going to cost me almost $1400 dollars! And that is the cheapest one! Daycare is rediculously expensive. People know parents have to work and can't leave their kids home so they can charge out the nose and people will pay...because they have to. Ugh! It hasn't been a very fun summer vacation for my kids so far though. They both have been sick. Both of them had colds then I got a cold. Now my son has the stomach flu and hasn't felt good for several days. The poor kid can't catch a break! He wants to go swimming so bad, but we have yet to get in the pool!

We recently bid for shifts at work. We bid every six months and it's based on seniority. For the first time in many years, I'm going to have weekends off. I get to live like the majority of the population where I can go out on fri or sat night and not have to worry about having to get up early the next day. Not that this will happen often since my social life has come to a screeching halt!

Speaking of social life, I have made some changes in my life. I am slowly moving away from people that are bad for me. I finally ended it with the guy that I have been seeing off and on for a year. We are just friends and that is all we are ever going to be. When two people can't put forth the effort to take it to the next level, then it is time to move on. I kept hanging on hoping things would change. They didn't so I finally had to move forward. There have been some other changes too that I won't bore you with. It has been interesting to see myself change and to watch how other people react to the changes. Now that I have changed the nature of my relationships with some of them, they want to come around and be in my life. Never mind they haven't been there for several months or now they want to fix it. Where were you sooner and why now? Because I said it's over? I have become the fall back girl. I'm the one they fall back on when nothing else is good enough or working. I'm sick of that. I want to be the it girl, so, I'm changing and trying to learn not to let people walk all over me.

I have started selling AVON so I can earn a little extra money. It has actually been kind of fun! I am doing better at AVON than I did with Mary Kay. I guess because AVON is less expensive and more people order from AVON.

For some dumb reason I haven't been working out lately. I can feel it too. I'm tired, no energy, I'm gaining weight and I feel like crap about myself. I NEED to get back into exercising immediately! I am finding it is getting harder to be motivated and harder to lose the weight the older I get. I wish there was some magic solution to the problem. I guess we all do!

That's about it for now I suppose. I'm sure there is a lot of other stuff to write about, but it's 5 am and brain isn't working yet.