Sunday, September 25, 2011


The dictionary defines a survivor as a person who continues to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship or setbacks. This word has been in my mind a lot over the last several years, but especially the last year or so.
The first time I heard the term suicide survivor, I didn't think that was me. I never attempted suicide. And although there are those that survive those attempts and they are truly survivors, what the term suicide survivor in my case is, I had someone that I love die by suicide.
Those that are left behind truly are survivors. They have to muddle through all the confusion, sadness and anger of losing someone in that manner. They have to try and understand and make sense of it all so they can heal. The answers aren't always there and they are are not easy. To come out on the other side of grief stronger and better is truly amazing. They have survived.
The Arizona Chapter of American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has decided to post a quartlerly newsletter. This is a brand new chapter on a new endeavor. They posted on facebook a while back wanting survivors to send in their stories of hope so they could decide which ones they wanted to put in the newsletter. Well, after much thought, prayer and editing, I finally submitted my story in hopes of touching someone. I worried was my story hopeful enough? In order to understand the hope you have to understand the despair and agony, but was it too much? Was it too personal and raw? I sent it in one evening and by 7 am the next morning I heard back. She wants me to speak at the walk in December! We talked on the phone and I told her that my goal is to somehow get the word out to the first responders out there, but I didn't know how. She told me she could help me with that if that truly is a passion for me. She wants me to apply to be on the board of the chapter too. She loved my story and said that it was very well written. I was so touched and humbled and honored. I shared some things in that story I had never shared with anyone and because of it I am going to get to share it at the walk with all those other survivors who have their own stories to tell.
After I speak in December at the walk, I will post my story here. I don't want to post it too soon. I have already had family and friends they are coming to the walk to support me and to hear me speak. I have such wonderful family and friends!!!! Thank you all so much!

So Long!

Wow it has been a long time since I posted on here! I'm not sure if you have missed me at all, but I have missed you! My life has been pretty hectic lately, not to mention my computer is still having issues with the internet. Kind of hard to type a blog entry on a phone!
Another birthday came and went the beginning of the month. I can't believe it has been another year. I am no longer lingering on the edge of my 40's, I'm fully into them now, no turning back! I can see the physical changes starting now too, which is kind of sad for me. I don't recover from exercise as quickly, I can't stay up late anymore, gravity is taking over and it is becoming more and more difficult to lose the weight. I am seeing a few wrinkles and I definitely have a lot of gray hair, but I have had that for a long time now. Thank goodness for hair dye!! Every year I think about what I have accomplished in the year prior and one thing I have accomplished is I have grown a lot. That is a good thing for sure.
This year for my birthday a good friend took me to lunch and another very dear friend took me to dinner. My kids bought be flowers, my mom made me dinner a couple nights later and my brother-in-law made me cupcakes. A friend gave me a gift card, another gave me a whole big tin of buttons for my business and my sister gave me fabric for my business. I had lots and lots of email, facebook, text and phone call birthday wishes. It was a good day and I felt so loved!!
I have taken on a 2nd job. I'm not working very many hours, but every penny helps. I am also trying to get a business going. My purse business is picking up and I am loving it!! I have a 2 day boutique coming up and a craft fair also. I had to stop posting pics of my bags and stop taking them into work because I am selling them as fast as I can make them and I won't have any left for the boutique! (not that I'm complaining because I LOVE the business!!) I am submitting my paperwork tomorrow to get a business name. Hopefully it won't take long to get that done and I will be official. That is exciting and terrifying at the same time! I have wonderful family and friends that are so, so supportive of me and my endeavors. They have put up with me wanting to do this and that and then fading out, but this time I think I have finally found what I love to do and I am good at it!
A friend of mine is having a baby. I'm so excited for her! She is a single woman and it will not be easy, but she will be a wonderful mom! I'm working on the baby shower for her now along with another friend and I can't wait for that. I love baby showers!
Since my computer is being dumb, I am typing up a few posts at my mom's and will be able to post them daily from my phone that way. I have so much to say!!! I know that is not a shock. haha