Friday, December 27, 2013

Yay...Christmas is Over!

I know I sound like a Grinch or Scrooge, but I am so glad Christmas is over.  It hasn't been the best of Christmas'.  Don't get me wrong, we were blessed beyond belief by secret santas again this year.  There are so many generous people out there and it restores faith in humanity.  I am forever grateful to those that are so giving and someday I hope to be in a position to give to someone. 

This year, as in almost every year, I had to work.  Kind of takes the fun out of Christmas.  I love my job and I love the people I work with, but I would much rather be at home for sure.  I also started feeling pretty crappy on Christmas day.  I was struggling with my voice and I have been coughing for days.  Considering all I do at work is talk, it makes it difficult to do my job.  Then after work, my mom, my kids and I did the present thing.  My kids ripped thru their gifts in about 3 minutes flat.  My mom has had some kind of stomach bug for a few days so she wasn't feeling well and I was starting to get a fever with whatever bug I had.  Yippee...super exciting Christmas.

I ended up in bed all day yesterday.  I don't think I have slept so much as I did yesterday.  Weird how fever does that to you.  I drank and drank and it just didn't seem like enough.  I didn't eat much either.  I stayed home again today and when I woke up I was actually starving and my voice is somewhat back.  I don't have a fever at the moment so that is a good thing.  I am really hoping to be over this soon.  I have a hard time being down in bed unless it is by my choice.  Trust me, since my husband died, there have been many a day where I have done nothing but lay in bed, but that was my choice. 

I did accomplish one thing yesterday.  I paid for my school.  I can't believe it is almost time to start school.  I never thought it would get here, but at the same time it came so fast.  Am I ready?  I sure hope so. 

I also watched a movie I got for Christmas yesterday.  Bridges of Madison County.  I just love that movie.  I love the music and I love the tragic love story.  I cried and cried over that movie.  I have a friend that doesn't like it because she thinks they could have chosen someone better than Clint Eastwood to play the main character.  Honestly, I think that is why I like the movie so much.  He is not some super handsome perfect guy.  He is normal and not perfect.  He is also a great actor.  The pain and anguish he feels makes me feel it right along with him.  And the music is so beautiful!  There are movies where the music almost makes the movie.  High Road to China with Tom Selleck is one of those movies.  It is good and he definitely makes the movie worth watching, but the music is amazing!

I just went back and read over this post...I think I have a touch of, it is all over the place.  Anyway, here is hoping the New Year brings prosperity and happiness to us all!  Wouldn't it be great to have just one year where no one had to worry about finances, loss, sickness or sadness? 

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