Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Stole This From My Sister

So, yesterday I read my sister's blog post. It was called "If You Really Knew Me". I LOVED the idea so much I'm stealing it. :) I hope it doesn't bore you. Here it goes!

If you really knew me you would know that I'm a perfectionist. My house may be cluttered and sometimes it's not always clean, but I strive for perfection. Sometimes I'm so trying for perfection that I don't leave room for error in myself or anyone else. My work is where I HAVE to have perfection. If I make a mistake, I will beat myself up over it for days. I so rarely get in trouble or "talked to" that when I do, it is really hard for me to take because that means I wasn't perfect in performing my duties. My work area has to be clean and clutter free or I feel out of sorts.

If you really knew me you would know that I hate confrontation. I will do almost anything to prevent having a confrontation.

If you really knew me you would know that I HAVE to be early wherever I go. If I'm on time, I'm late and it drives me crazy when people are late.

If you really knew me you would know that I don't understand how people can justify some of the liberal political viewpoints with basic Christian values and the beliefs that our forefathers had when they wrote the Constitution. I am conservative in thinking, but I'm not so far right that I don't have some liberal thinking. What I don't understand is how the belief of abortion as a form of birth control is okay, taking away our free agency like our right to bear arms, freedom of speech and religion, etc, forcing us to have socialized medicine, forcing those that work hard to pay for those that don't, allowing those that come into this country illegally to have free medical care and other resources that should be for those that are American citizens that are having hard times, is okay. There are so many other questions, but I won't go into those. I believe that both sides of the aisle need to come together and figure it out instead of focusing on their own personal agendas. I think we need more people like Ronald Reagan in office. We need to protect our borders, take care of our country and the citizens in it and have charity. Having charity doesn't mean we need to be taken advantage of either.

If you really knew me you would know that I am not the best friend that I should be. I would love to spend more time with my friends, but I'm afraid sometimes to ask them to do things. I know that everyone has busy lives so I don't want to interfere with what they have going on.

If you really knew me you would know that I find it very difficult to ask for help. I hate asking people to watch my kids because I know they can be a challenge and I don't want to put that onto anyone else. I have stopped doing a lot of extra curricular things because I would have to find someone to babysit.

If you really knew me you would know that I am a passionate person. Enough said!

If you really knew me you would know that I get emotionally involved way too easily with those that I shouldn't and not nearly enough with those that I should.

If you really knew me you would know that I share a lot about my personal life, but if you pay attention, it is just the highlights. It's not the in depth feelings that I have. I think people don't want to hear those, so I don't share. I share just enough for people to think they are hearing how I feel. My mom and Kim don't even know all that I feel and think, and I tell them a lot!

If you really knew me you would know that I love music. I love to sing, but I don't sing as well as I used to. I also love to sing with the radio and most of the time I don't even realize that I'm doing it. I sing at work, in the car, in other people's cars which is great on ride alongs, even in the store! I miss hearing my grandpa play the piano and sometimes music can touch me to my soul and it will bring me to tears.

If you really knew me you would know that even though I am so very proud of my siblings, I am somewhat jealous of their accomplishments, gifts and talents too.

If you really knew me you would know that I love to laugh! I laugh at myself, I laugh at other people and I have been known to laugh at inappropriate times. I am a funny person, but I don't always show it. I get told sometimes that my facebook posts are quite often funny and that they didn't know I was so witty. I also love dirty jokes! haha I am sarcastic at times, but I try really hard not to be because sarcasm can be mean.

If you really knew me you would know that I am so tired of being a doormat and stepping stone for men, "friends" and people trying to get ahead in life. I'm a nice person and I get taken advantage of A LOT! When I do stand up for myself and put my foot down, people get mad.

If you really knew me you would know that everything I think about something or someone is written all over my face! I have a really hard time being nice to people that I don't like, so I don't understand those that will talk bad about someone and then treat them like they are their best friend.

If you really knew me you would know that most of my friends are men. I think that is the case because men just say what they think and women beat around the bush or talk behind each other's back. I like men and I like being around men.

If you really knew me you would know that my kids are my world and they didn't come into my life the normal way, but it fits me and the way I always seem to do things, the hard way! I also love my nieces and nephews like I love my own kids. I love my family and I'm so grateful for all that they do for me and all the love and support they show me.

If you really knew me you would know that I have a strong belief in God and country. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and what he did for us. I may not be a regular church goer, I am a big sinner, and I'm not a good example, but I am a believer.

If you really knew me you would know that I am very STRONG! I'm impatient, I'm insecure, a procrastinator, a good teacher (when I'm teaching something I'm comfortable with), a smart alleck, a good cook (but I don't like to cook), a good photographer, sometimes selfish and other times selfless, wish I could save and help the world, a good dispatcher, I have lots of ideas, but never finish them, wants the love of a man who will treat me with the respect that I deserve, but at the same time afraid of that, I have surprised myself with some of the choices I have made over the last few years both good and bad, a worrier, especially about my kids, hate counseling even though I know we all need it (I think I'm afraid to say outloud my fears of being a bad mom and hearing my kids and the counselor say I'm a bad mom), hate the way my body looks, get offended when I'm called predjudiced just because of the way I believe even though I'm not predjudiced, and I have so much love to give this world!

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