Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to Basics

A friend of mine gets a monthly magazine about farming. I love to look at that magazine because it has some really great ideas (it has some really weird ones too!). Anyway, the lastest one was talking about the old root cellars that people used to have. The idea of a root cellar is to be able to store your produce all winter long. If it is dark, damp and cool, then your produce should last all winter if it is stored right. Although I will never be able to have a root cellar since I live in the HOT desert, I love the idea of it.
It got me thinking about how a lot of people are getting back to basics. Canning, food storage, freezing, sewing, gardening, etc. Whatever it takes to have food on hand for no matter what situation arises. Ever since I was a kid, I have done canning. I started out helping my mom peal peaches and as I got older, I did more. Between my grandma, my mom and my stepmom, I have learned a lot of things to help me be self sufficiant. I know how to sew, can, cook and do pretty much anything as long as someone shows me how.
I have decided that I really like the idea of getting back to basics. I'm canning a lot, started sewing again (obviously since I'm making purses to sell!) and I have found that I like to garden. I'm still learning the gardening thing, but hopefully I will get better at it. My goal is to one day live in a house with a yard big enough to have a decent garden so I can bottle what I grow. I think doing these things are good for kids too. It teaches them to be self reliant and to work hard. When you work hard you enjoy the fruits of your labor more! My kids eat dinner a lot better when they help make it!
The other benefit to it all, is the food is better for you. There are no pesticides, hormones or preservatives in it. It is all natural and much healthier for you. Today I'm even going to try my hand at making homemade pasta! I think getting back to basics is a wonderful idea and I'm working towards having a year supply so that no matter what, we will be okay.
My family and close friends shouldn't be surprised if they get food for Christmas!

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