Sunday, August 14, 2011

School's in Session!!

I love August for one starts!! I love buying school supplies and school clothes, even though I never seem to have the money to buy them. This year I lucked out and found some great stuff on clearance like shirts for $2 a piece!
Last year, school was a bit of struggle for my kids. My son struggled with bullying and lying about doing his work which in turn gave him bad grades. My daughter just flat out refused to do her work, fought with her teacher, disrupted class and pitched fits. I have been talking all summer long about a new school year means a fresh start so lets work really hard at proving that a lot of growing up was done over the summer and do better! I have resorted to bribery as well...hopefully it will work!
I got a call from my daughter's teacher on thursday, my first thought was already? It's only been 2 days! It turns out she just wanted to tell me it's been a great 2 days and wanted to know if I had any questions. I like it!
I can't believe my kids are in 5th and 6th grade! Next year my son will be in middle school...kinda scary and exciting all at the same time. He gets bullied some in elementary school, I'm a little concerned about him going to middle school. He also struggles with the work in elementary school. I'm worried he's going to get lost in the shuffle at middle school because by then the teachers expect the students to show responsibility and do their is going to be a busy and tough year for my son this year with me cracking the whip and coming down on him if he doesn't do his work. He is going to have to prove to me that he deserves more responsibility and that is not going to be easy for sure!

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