Thursday, August 30, 2012

Craziness Abound!

So my 42nd birthday is in 3 days.  Last night to celebrate my getting older, I signed up for my first half marathon.  I guess I could call it celebrating.  I think it is just a sign that we do get crazy as we get older.  As I was signing up I was thinking, "I better hurry up and do this before I change my mind."  After I was done I was thinking, "Holy shit, what did I just do???!!"

I have no idea why I did it.  A girl I work with has been bugging me for a month to do it.  "If you can walk 60 miles in 3 days then you can do a half marathon."  Or maybe it was my daughter saying, "Mom, your life is pretty much half over. Not that you're old or anything." Sheesh! 

I have been trying to improve my walk/runs the last month.  Now it is time to kick it up a notch so I will be ready.  My friend told she is slow at 12 1/2 min mile and I should train with her...omg...I do a 14 min mile!  I hope I'm going to be ready!!  Wish me luck!

I love this picture cuz I'm pretty sure this is what I look like when I run! lol!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Is Summer Over Yet?

I am sooooooo done with Summer!  I just have to say, August really sucks!  It is hot, humid and just plain miserable.  I have missed out on a lot of workouts this summer just like every summer, because I have a hard time working out in the heat.  My blood sugar takes a dive...of course I don't actually check my blood sugar, but I do get the shakes really bad.  Zero energy too.

I've done workouts in the pool before, but for some reason I don't usually think about it.  Today I thought to myself, "I have an hour before the kids get home.  I can swim and do a pool workout without my kids!"  I ran in the house and changed in one minute flat and hit the pool.  It was super, duper hot out, but I never even broke a sweat.  At least I don't think I did.  Kind of hard to tell since I was in the pool!  I swam laps, did a work out and ran around the pool and not once did I have a kid screaming, have to jump out of the way cuz a kid did a cannon ball without looking or yell "don't run!".  It was quiet and I got a lot of workout done in a short amount of time.  I didn't have the shakey problem either.  I can't wait to do it again!

There is one good thing about August though.  School started yesterday!!  I can't even tell you how excited I am about school starting.  My son is an official Jr. High student and my daughter is in her last year of elementary school.  Wow, time sure does fly by!  Remember those old Staples back to school commercials?  The parents were dancing down the aisles and the song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is playing.  Yep, that's me!!  I feel bad for the elementary students though.  There has been a heat advisory the last two days and yet they are forcing the kids to go out and play.  I'm a little concerned about that. 

I guess I better get off here.  My kids think they need to eat dinner or something.  Why do they have to eat every day??

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Lately I have been realizing that I have been in kind of a downer mood.  I'm not sure what that's about, except I'm ready for my kids to go back to school.  It has been a long not so easy summer.  It is during the difficult times with my kids that I wish more and more I had someone to back me up.  I have my mom, who is a HUGE help to me, but that is not the kind of  backup I'm talking about.  Someone who will share the pressure when my kids start having those extreme troubles that they sometimes have, instead of me having to take on all the pressure.  This was a rough week in our house.  I could have definitely used that back up.  I could have used a big hug too. :)

A friend of mine told me he has a friend whose wife walked away from their marriage.  My friend wanted to know what was out there that was so worth walking away from a marriage.  I told him that for me personally, I would rather be alone that be in a miserable marriage.  So many people stay in a miserable marriage because of the kids or because they have an eternal marriage.  If you are not happy on this earth what makes you think you will be happy in the next life??  And what do you teach your kids?  That marriage is supposed to be miserable?  If that is what is expected of me, I will stay single thank you.  I don't think that is the way it's supposed to be.  Sure, times are tough and sometimes we are unhappy.  But, if you can work at it and work on your own happiness and they work on their happiness then it's worth the fight.  But, if either of you just can't find it in you to be happy together and you feel like you have tried everything you possibly can to find that happiness, then walk away.  Those are my personal feelings anyway. 

All of my troubles this week and the conversation with my dear friend, prompted me to think about my own happiness.  I need to be grateful for what I have in my life.  So, I thought I would share a few of the things that make me happy.

Happiness List

God/Jesus Christ
Lilacs-my favorite flower
Old Movies
Mexican food
Clean air
Ice Cream
Steamy kisses
Big hugs
A good walk
A long bike ride
Finishing steps to a goal
Realizing what my talents are
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets
Seeing my kids' smiles when they accomplish something

What makes you happy?