Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Did It!

Sunday I did my first half marathon!  I can't say I ran it, because I actually walked A LOT!  It was a beautiful day, Sunny and actually a little too warm.  I was so nervous.  I have done the 3 day walk twice, but you don't really have a time limit on that.  The half, you have 4 hrs.  If you can't make it in 4 hrs you get picked up.  I wasn't too worried about not making it in time, I was worried about if I could finish and keep the pace. 

I started out good.  I kept pace for 8 miles.  I was actually on pace to be about 2 minutes faster than my normal, but that was good because I knew there were hills so I figured that would put me right where I usually am.  After mile 8 headed into mile 9 I started having severe pain in the soles of my feet.  I was wearing new shoes.  I probably should have worn the old ones, but that would have resulted in different pain.  Anyway, every step I took, I could feel my feet move inside my shoes.  If I would have tightened the laces, my feet would have gone numb...and that is not a good thing!  So, needless to say, I walked the last 5 miles.  I would try to run and it would hurt so bad!  So what started out as possibly beating my time, ended up being about 15 minutes slower.  But, I finished it and I wasn't last! :) 

My mom made sure to be there with my kids.  That was so awesome to have them all there to cheer me on at the finish line.  A couple of my friends who did the half too stayed until I crossed the finish.  It was so awesome to have the support of friends by text and on facebook as well! 

Today, 3 days later, my right foot is still hurting on the side like it's bruised.  Other than that, I have no other pain.  I am ready to get back out there and start training for the Rock n Roll half in January.  Hopefully I can afford to sign up. :)

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