Monday, November 19, 2012

Tough Week

It was a rough week last week around here.  Especially for my son.  He came home almost in tears the beginning of the week because he got pushed on the bus and whacked his elbow pretty hard on something metal in the bus.  He was hurting so bad, I decided to take him to the Urgent Care.  Luckily it wasn't broken, just a bad bruise.

A couple days later I got a call from the school nurse at work.  He was running between classes and tripped over something.  He did a face plant in the dirt.  I wasn't able to leave work early so he hung out in the nurse's office until I got there.  He had a scraped up nose and knee, fat lip and broke one of his front teeth.  Poor kid.  I felt so bad for him. 

We went immediately to the dentist to make sure nothing major was damaged.  Again, thankfully, nothing too serious.  No nerve damage.  We had to wait a few days to get his tooth fixed.  The dentist wanted to wait until the swelling in his lip and nose goes down.  Tomorrow he gets his tooth fixed and he is very excited about that!

My boy never walks anywhere, he always runs.  I'm really surprised this hasn't happened sooner!

The week got better on Sunday though.  He got 7 merit badges for scouts!  Woohoo!  I'm so proud of him!  Now, if I could just get him to stop arguing and start listening, life would be so much easier around here!

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