Monday, April 14, 2014

Sometimes I Just Need a Hug

Hugs.  There are so many kinds of hugs.  There are the one arm around the shoulder with a little pat on the back.  There are the hugs that women do when they see each other.  There is one where you throw your arm around someone's shoulders and give a little squeeze, or the kind where men throw their arms around each other and hit each other on the back so hard it has to leave a mark.

Tom gave great hugs.  He never, ever did the one arm pat on the back with anyone.  No matter who it was that he was hugging, he put his whole heart into it.  When he hugged me I felt the love from him.  I felt completely safe and I honestly felt like he could protect me from anything.  When he would hug me I never wanted him to let go.  He was never afraid to hug people and I loved that about him.  I guess I took his hugs for granted and sometimes I actually ache for a hug from him.

I am a little more reserved when it comes to hugging.  Not everyone likes to hug.  Some have personal space and I don't want to offend, but in actuality I like hugging.  I think it is a great way to express friendship or love.  Not just romantic love, but all kinds of love.  Some need a hug when they are sick or sad.  Others need a hug when they are happy or celebrating.  Hugs from the children in our lives are special.  I got a hug from my 3 week old nephew that was so sweet.  He of course didn't know he was doing it, but when I picked him up, he put his arms around my neck and even my sister said, "Awww, he's giving you a hug!"  My son loves to give hugs, even at 14.  He's not shy about it either.

I have a few men friends that give great hugs too.  They give the great big bear hugs that I like.  There was one guy that told me he loves to give hugs and he will hug anyone, but don't give him a weinee hug because that is just not acceptable!  Hug like you mean it!

Sometimes I just need a hug.  I just need someone to wrap their arms around me tight so I feel for just a moment that everything is going to be fine.  So if I give you a hug and hang on a little bit longer than I should, don't be offended, scared or think I'm weird.  I'm just taking it in.

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