Saturday, March 20, 2010


I like to say howdy a lot instead of the typical hello or hi. I'm from a small ranching community and I guess it is part of the smalltown girl in me. I have decided to start a new blog. Who knew how hard it would be to do that. I have a personal family blog that I have blogging on for a few years now so I didn't think it would be that big of a deal. This one is different though. I have several friends that have mentioned to me several times that I need to write a book about my dating adventures or misadventures. Apparently my dating life is entertaining! haha! I have given it a lot of thought and have decided to do a blog instead. I'm still a single mom so it is ongoing and forever changing. Plus, I don't know anything about writing a book! Being a single mom is all encompassing. Raising children on my own, lonliness, humor, frustration, dating, doing it all. This blog is public where my personal one is private. It is not going to be totally about my kids, although there may be a few things about them since the whole MOM thing wouldn't have happened without them. It is about me and my personal journey we call life. I want single parents to read my blog and say, "Oh my gosh, that has so happened to me!" or "Wait until you hear my story!". I want people to come here, read and comment. Share your stories or advice. The life of a single parent is unique for sure, but there a lot of single mom's and dad's out there. I guess we could call this blog group therapy! I am hoping this can be a place for honesty and venting while trying to do it with humor.

So, I guess I will take this opportunity in this first post to tell you about me. I am obviously a single mom. 5 1/2 years ago my husband passed away unexpectedly. Even though I was a sudden widow, had he not died, I would still be a single mom. We had spent several months seperated. During that seperation, we tried several times to reconcile, but it just wasn't working. His death has definitely affected the way I live and the way I am with men. I have two beautiful, smart and ornery children! They were very small when their dad died an they are now reaching an age where puberty is going to be knocking on our door in the next couple of years...oh joy!! My son has ADHD so that adds to the whole parenting experience and my daughter is very emotional...I am in so much trouble! I work fulltime. Although I love my job and I have been doing it for many years, it is a job. It pays the bills. I learned the hard way a long time ago that it does not define who I am...I do. I love music, movies, reading and taking pictures. I love to blog, play on facebook, go for walks, hang with my family and friends, and I have certain tv shows I HAVE to watch every week. Ok, that's enough for now. You will get to know me soon enough!


  1. Angelic, thank so much for your very sweet comment... and for leading me to your new blog. Yeah!! I'll be back for more!

  2. Dropping by to say hello. And to thank you for adding Singlemommyhood to your blog roll. Looking forward to getting to know you - Welcome to the single mom blogging community.
