Saturday, March 27, 2010

Does Anyone Really Talk Anymore?

Is it just me, or am I the only one that thinks people don't talk enough anymore? We are in an age where there is email, instant message, texting, facebook, twitter and myspace. We can even get our dates on the internet. We all seem to spend a lot of time on our phones and computers but nobody is doing any talking. I admit it, I'm just as guilty of this. I'm not able to talk on the phone at work so I do a lot of texting. At home I love to get on facebook and comment on what people are writing either on their own wall or mine. I guess the reason I am wondering is, there is this guy that I have been kind of seeing off and on over the last year. When we go out we have fun. He once asked me though if I was his girlfriend. I had to tell him no, we are just friends at this point and we are not exclusive because of that. Why? Because we never talk on the phone. Everything we do is electronic. I've mentioned it several times to him, he will call once and then it is right back to electronic. I do the typical girl thing trying to rationalize and justify it. "Maybe he doesn't like to talk on the phone." "Maybe that is how it's supposed to be now days." These are all just rationalizations. I don't like to talk on the phone that much either because that is what I do for a living, but there comes a time in any relationship where you need to talk. You need that communication that makes it personal. A person can lie to your face for sure, but it is a lot harder. When you really talk to a person, you learn their mannerisms, their tics, their voice. When it's on text, you don't get any of that so they can say whatever damn thing they wanna say and it can be taken the wrong way. That can be really embarrassing! Yep, we definitely need to be talking more!

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