Sunday, October 30, 2011

Car Wash

I hate not having internet on my computer. I have so many posts I need to make and I can't do it when I need to!
I had a benefit car wash a couple of weeks ago. It is for the Suicide Prevention walk I'm doing in December. I had a few people that were going to do the car wash with me, but were not able to so I was left really short handed. I put out a request for some help and some friends from work stepped in and really helped me out! I appreciated them so much, I can't even say!
One of the great things about fundraising is the people that I meet and the stories that I hear. I met a man who pulled up and said he didn't want his car washed, he just wanted to give us money because he lost his brother a month ago. Another man only wanted his windows washed and I got to talking to him. Turns out he was a veteran and was suffering from PTSD. His wife had left him and he had been through too many doctors to count before he finally found one that he felt was doing some good. I could tell he was struggling. We talked while I washed his windows and I was so grateful to be able to get to know this man who served our country. After I washed his windows, he opened his wallet and literally gave me his last dollar. He was teary eyed, jumped in his car and drove off. Another man came in and told me he lost his uncle a few years ago. He wasn't even able to go to the funeral because he was in basic training. He also lost his best friend back in July. This man was also a veteran. After doing two tours in Iraq and body recovery after Hurricane Katrina, he also had PTSD and his best friend that he lost had suffered from PTSD. He was very excited to hear about the walk and when he left, he left with a promise to sign up for the walk and recruit other walkers. I will never forget these men and I am so grateful to hear their stories. That is what this is about. For people to be able to share their stories without fear of being looked at funny or making others uncomfortable. Bring it out of the darkness...Out of the Darkness is the perfect name for this walk. Bringing it all out of the dark and into the light so people can heal. How can anyone heal in the dark?

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