Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Funniest Thing Happened Today!

This morning I needed to take a run to the store, so while we were out, I decided to stop at Paradise Bakery for a little treat for all of us. We got our muffins and headed back out to the car. On our way we passed by a car that was a different make than ours, but it was the exact same color. My son and I continued walking to our car and my daughter stopped at the other car and tried to get in it! After I asked her what she was doing she realized she was trying to get into the wrong car and took off running!
We decided to eat our muffins in the car before I drove off. I'm not as talented at eating and driving as I used to be. So we were eating and chatting and enjoying ourselves. We were laughing at the guy that had just pulled in and was brushing his teeth as he was walking up to the bakery door, when I turned to my left to look out the window. What do I see? An elderly woman standing at my car door. It startled me! Good thing I turned my head because I'm blind in my left eye and don't see things peripherally very often. What startled me even more was she opened my door! I was thinking to myself, "What in the world is she doing?" Then it dawned on me, she was getting into the wrong car. When I looked at her she wasn't even looking at me or the car, she was looking off into the distance somewhere, probably at the guy brushing his teeth in the parking lot. I decided I better say something to her before she tried to sit in my lap so I said, "Hi." She jumped about a foot in the air, grabbed her chest and shouted, "Oh my gosh!!! Oh no, I'm at the wrong car! I'm so sorry!" I thought for sure she was going to have a heart attack! I even asked her if she was okay because she was so scared. She just kept saying, "Our cars are the same color, I'm so sorry!" I told her it was okay, my daughter tried to get into her car a few minutes ago so we were even! I looked at the car in front of us and it had three old ladies in it . They saw the whole thing happen and were laughing so hard! After the lady got in her car the kids and I just busted out laughing and my daughter told me to lock the door before someone else decided to open the door and try to get in!

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