Sunday, October 30, 2011


Wow, I am so amazed and grateful for how quickly my business is building up! I have several orders for Christmas, with a lot more promises for more. I have a facebook page for my business now too and I've sold a couple purses from there! I am loving making purses! Everytime I sew a purse or come up with a new design, it makes me so excited. I love picking the fabrics and putting it all together. I have so many ideas in my mind of what kinds of bags and purses I want to make and how I can improve on my designs.
I did a boutique a few weeks ago. It was my first one. I did okay, not as good as I hoped, but not too bad. Last week I did a craft fair at work and did pretty well there. I had a great time meeting with people, sold some purses and took a few orders. There is a craft fair in my hometown in a couple of weeks and I'm working really hard to be able to get up there for that. I haven't been home in over a year and I think it will be a lot of fun to see people and get my product seen up there.
I'm hoping my business does well enough that when I retire, I will have that business to keep me going!

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