Sunday, December 11, 2011

Good Friends

I still have a broken computer...and car. Completely and totally frustrating. I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be learning from this experience. One thing I have learned is how great people are!
I guess I should back up. It is so rare that I get to blog anymore since my computer decided not to work, that I forget what I've blogged about...and haven't. Thanksgiving day my car died and I mean really died. Second car in about 4 months. We were driving home from my sister's house and my kids fought almost the whole way home. Not unusual for sure, but frustrating none the less. I was too busy dealing with them and wasn't really paying any attention to my guages. When I took my exit, I went to make the turn and my car died and there was steam coming out from under the hood. I coasted into a parking lot and let it cool down. I put some water in it, but no luck. The next day, bud and his cousin came over and looked at it. The radiator was blown for one thing. They replaced it and it still wouldn't start. Turns out it was a warped head. What does that translate into? Very expensive!
I have been without my car for over 2 weeks now. It has been 2 1/2 weeks of bumming rides and being stuck at home. We were hoping it would be done on Friday, but the mechanic called and said it was worse than orginally thought and it will be more expensive and longer than thought. Hopefully it will be done on monday.
So the monday after thanksgiving, I had the genius idea that I would have my mom drive me and my bike to the lightrail. I would then ride my bike 2 miles to work. After work I would ride to the light rail station, then at the last stop I would either have to catch 2 buses and ride another 2 miles or ride 9 miles home. I was thinking I would get skinny. Well, that monday I got on the lightrail with my bike. The ride over wasn't bad, just early. I got off the lightrail and turns out the stop where I got off, the road didn't go all the way through like I thought. So, I had to ride my bike further than I thought. Then I got turned around in the dark and rode the wrong way for a little bit. I almost never get turned around, but I did that morning. Needless to say, it wasn't the great fun adventure that I thought it was going to be. Thankfully my sister was off that day and gave me and my bike a ride home. After that a friend of mine offered me a ride to and from work. He told me I was NOT going to ride the lightrail in the dark. I have had several friends offer rides and give me rides. They have sent people over to look at my car and gave me numbers to mechanics. I now know who has the capability to tow vehs so I don't have to call a tow truck. I am truly grateful for their generosity and willingness to help out a friend that is obviously completely dumb about cars! My friends are awesome...they truly are an extension to my family!!

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