Saturday, December 3, 2011

Suicide Prevention Walk

Today was the Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention walk. This was my 2nd year doing the walk. I am so amazed at how much it grew in one year! I am hoping that one day it will be as big as the 3day!
This year I was asked to speak at the walk in the opening ceremonies. How that came about was the AZ chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention was looking for people to submit articles for their very first newsletter. They were looking for stories of hope. I am kind of longwinded sometimes so my article submission was 4 pages long! The next day, the woman in charge wrote me and said she wanted me to speak instead. I was so flattered and honored...and nervous!
At the walk they always have vendors there. This year there was a booth dedicated to helping veterans. The man just got his website up and is still in the process of putting it together. We got to chatting about how I wanted to put my focus on veterans and first responders and I am wanting to get involved in that. He then told me to go to the website and check it out. He is also looking for bloggers! Ummmmm...hello! That is me!! I am so excited!
A friend of mine bought us all camouflage bandanas to wear in rememberance of Tom. My son's was green, my daughter's was pink and mine was gray with pink butterflies. She got that one for me because she has a favorite quote. I don't remember it exactly, but it is about when a caterpillar thinks it's almost over and then it turns into a butterfly. She told me I am the butterfly and I need to fly. So sweet and thoughtful of her.
Another friend drove all the way from across town to be there to support me. That meant so much to me!! Many friends were there with me in spirit I know and so was my family. My mom was there of course. She is my biggest supporter along with my kids. Another dear friend was there walking for her sister.
It was really cold this morning! I thought for sure it was going to rain on us. We got a few sprinkles, but that was about it. I wouldn't have minded if it did rain because I love it and Tom loved the rain too.
At the end of the walk, I was walking in and was stopped by a young man. He introduced himself as a reporter for the local university's newspaper. He had written quite a bit down from my speech and he just wanted to fill in the blanks, so I will be in the campus paper! :)
Thank you to all of my family and friends! Your support means more to me than I can say! My next post will be the speech I wrote. :)

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