Sunday, December 11, 2011

Too Much to Ask?

Several months ago I tried the online dating thing again, as those that have been following know. I also have not had good luck. I ended up getting off line. The last date I had was a second date with the ex husband of my high school friend. We found each other I know why she dated and married him and not me! He spent most of the time talking about the crazy women online or complaining. We haven't spoken since.
I have the guys that I like to call the boomerangs. They are here, then they're not and then they come back...just like a boomerang. There are a lot of those in my life. They find someone else and run off to that great and wonderful relationship. Six months later they realize it wasn't all that great and come back expecting me to be there for them. One guy dropped me as a friend because I refused to allow him to do that. Another one comes around and asks me out to dinner, I say ok just as a friend, he never sets the date for dinner and he disappears. There are more, but I won't bore you with them, except one.
When I was online for the church dating site, I started talking to a guy that lived up north. He was a bit strange, but he was funny so I talked to him. We never spoke on the phone and we never met. We just had email conversations. There was something about him that I didn't really like. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I just didn't want him to have my number. I stopped hearing from him. It had been a few months when a couple weeks ago I heard from him again. He told me he had moved to the city and I could text him. I tried to text him several times, but I just couldn't make myself do it. I sent him another email and asked what brought him to the city. He said, "Work and chasing a hot redhead. hehehe" Well, call me crazy, but that put my guard up right away. I asked if he had a job down here and he said that he was still looking, but he had 7 months of unemployment benefits so he wasn't a total loser. Then he sent me another email saying he really didn't like to work. He liked to sleep until noon and do whatever he wanted. When I didn't answer him right away he was worried that he told me too much. I finally wrote him back. Now, I'm a bit of a smart ass and I just couldn't let this go or hide it. This is what I said.
"Sorry it took me so long to write you back. I'm super busy with 2 jobs and a business. It is better to share too much than not enough. Since I have had so much bad luck dating I have made some rules. One of those rules the guy has to have a job."
Well, he thought that was funny. He said I had enough jobs for the both of us and didn't I think I set the bar too high? What?
I think me wanting a man to have a job, to love me and only me, to want to be with no one else but me, to not be ashamed to be with me, to be faithful to me, to have my back no matter what, to show me respect and be honest with me is not too much to ask. If a man thinks this bar is too high, then keep on moving buddy, cuz you don't belong here!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Kelli! You are NOT setting the bar too high.
