Thursday, December 6, 2012

Small Miracles

Every six months at my work we have a shift bid.  It is based on seniority and we bid for the shift and the days off.  Last July I ended up having Sunday/Monday off so I had to work on Saturdays.  Having Mondays off was really nice because I had a day all to myself when my kids were in school. However, not having Saturdays off sure has put a damper on things I want to do.

Back in July when we we started the new bid, I asked to have Saturday Dec 1st off.  The Suicide Prevention walk was on that day.  It was also very important to me that I go to the walk this year because the 1st is also the anniversary of the first time I met Tom.  It was a blind date.  Due to 1 person being on vacation already and another being on stand by vacation, I was denied the day off.  I was so sad that I wasn't going to be able to go and my kids were very sad too.

Fast forward to the end of November.  The girl that was already on vacation, cancelled her vacation and that meant the other girl was moved up to approved for the day off.  I immediately put in to be on standby pending sick leave and was approved. The kids and I prayed and prayed that no one would call in sick so that we could go.  I put it out on facebook for people to keep their fingers crossed and they were praying too. On Saturday Dec 1st at 4:00 am, I found out I was able to have the day off.  What a miracle!!  Our prayers were answered!

We met up with my high school best friend who lost his brother a couple years ago and went to the walk.  I love going to the walk.  The open ceremony is always so full of hope.  They have speakers (last year I was a speaker) and booths set up with information and fun stuff to do.  They also have a memory board where you can write a message to the one you lost.  This year they were helping people make quilt squares in memory of their loved one.  I sent mine in several months ago and apparently mine was the only one they have received, so the decided to help people make them at the walk.  My favorite part of the walk is the balloon release.  We are able to write messages on blue and white balloons.  They do a moment of silence then release the balloons.  I am getting teary just writing about it.  It is amazing and beautiful to see all of those balloons go flying through the air.  It is a reminder how many people are touched by suicide. 

They changed the location of the walk this year to a different part of the park.  At this location we walked by the lake at the beginning and the end of the walk.  It was so beautiful!!

After the walk we went to lunch at our favorite mexican food restaurant and had a wonderful time.  I am so grateful for answered prayers and small miracles!

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