Friday, December 14, 2012

I Have a Teenager!

It's official, I am old.  Yesterday at work someone was calling in a reckless driver and described the driver as middle aged, 40 or so.  OMG...there are people out there that thing I'm middle aged!

Last Saturday, my boy turned 13!  Wow, I can't believe it.  I have a teenager!  Ever since I was a little girl all I wanted to do was be a mom and a wife.  Things happen and circumstances change.  I didn't get my children the usual way, but they were meant to be mine for sure.  Now, they are growing up and there is not one thing I can do about it. 

He has been acting like a teenager for a while now with his bad attitude and talking back.  He is also all knowing and knows so much more than anyone else.  He is also the kind of kid that most adults appreciate and see the good things about him.  Most other kids don't see those things in him and can be very cruel.  He is an awesome helper.  Last Sunday I worked a craft fair and I took my kids with me.  I turned around and he was off helping the lady next to me put up her little tent.  Then my daughter joined in.  Then he asked if he could help another lady too.  When it was all said and done, my kids helped 4 people around us set up their tents.  They weren't asked to help, they just jumped in and did it.  I was so proud of them for that. 

His scout leader stopped by on his birthday.  The leader gave him a gift and then hung out for about 30 minutes just to visit with him and see how he was doing.  That meant so much to my boy and to me for him to take the time to listen.  My boy was so excited!

He is a good looking kid and I believe when he starts growing and maturing, the girls will start to notice.  He is so smart, although he doesn't care about school or grades.  It is so hard to get him to understand why school and grades are so important.  If there was a way to teach him math hands on, I think he would ace that class!  He is pretty literal.  My daughter and I are both pretty smart allecky (sp?), but he doesn't get the jokes very often.  He takes it very literally, but I'm working on him!  He is funny in his own way, but often he isn't trying to be funny.  When he is given a job and it's important to him, he will finish that job and do it to the best of his ability.  If he's not interested, probably won't happen.  He is very good and lining people out and letting them know what their job is as well.  For example, when the boys pass the sacrament in church on Sunday, he is very picky about how they all stand in line and is quick to tell the others if they are standing in the wrong order. 

He is a good kid and I love him so much.  Every day I thank God for bringing him into my life, even if he is making my hair turn gray!

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