Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Better Than I Had Hoped!

Saturday was the big yard sale, finally!  I was so happy for that day to arrive so I could put all of that stuff out in the yard and out of my garage!  I knew I had a lot of stuff, but wow.  When it came time to put it out, we almost didn't have enough room.  One of my friends said we should ask the neighbors if we could use their driveways and her husband wanted to know where the heck we were going to put it all. 

I was so amazed and grateful for my friends coming over to help.  I never would have been able to do it by myself this year.  I just had so much and some of it was big furniture pieces and I couldn't have moved that by myself.  One guy and his son even took a big armoir over to my mom's for me.  Another neighbor made sure my son got to and from scouts that day so I could focus on the yard sale.  I have such awesome friends!!!  Not only were they a big help, but it was so much fun too.  We laughed, joked and worked in the chaos to make the best of it. 

I loved watching them pick out their own things and make their own piles of things they wanted to buy.  Everyone is so diverse in their likes and their needs. 

The generosity of people is so amazing!  Every single day for about 6 weeks I had donations on my doorstep or people would drop off when I was home.  It was all very good quality and things that other people would love. 

I put the signs out at 4 am saying it started at 7 am.  I started putting things out at 5 am and my friends showed up at 6.  I had people starting to show up for shopping at 5:45 am.  So we had a bunch of people there to put it all out in the yard and people shopping.  It was chaos!!  It was a steady stream of people all morning long.  I think we only had 2 lulls the whole morning and we closed it down around 12:15.  We had about 13 bags and boxes of clothes left and 2 car loads of stuff to Goodwill. 

I was hoping to raise at least $700.  I actually raised just over $1,000!!!  I couldn't believe it...from a yard sale!!  That is $1,000 to go to Suicide Awareness and Prevention programs.  So much better than I had ever hoped it could be!  It was my biggest yard sale yet and the most money I have made.

A friend of mine who is also a survivor had her mom come to the yard sale to get some things for a place where she volunteers.  After the sale was over and I was in my garage cleaning up, I heard my name.  It was my friend's mom.  She stopped by just to give me a hug.  Made my day! 

Thank you so much to those that donated their things and their time.  Thanks to those that spent their money!  Thanks to those who lent me tables and to my neighbor down the street for taking care of my son.  Thanks for the support and encouragement too. I could not have done this without any of you!  I love every single one of you and I am so glad to be able to call you all friends!

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