Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have suffered from allergies all my life and I don't just have them in the spring, I have them all year round. I also don't just have allergies to plants, but I'm allergic to animals too. I have a very hard time being around cats especially. It seems if within a mile of a cat, my eyes start to swell shut, my nose is a faucet, my face turns bright red, I can't breath and I break out into hives. Oh yeah, I'm one sexy mama when that happens!! My allergies do seem to be worse in the spring though. This year has been pretty bad for a lot of people. We had more than usual amounts of moisture this winter, which leads to lots and lots of flowering things. And being spring, the wind blows...a lot! Then you add to that I live in a desert so when the wind blows all that pollen and dust get mixed together and makes for some miserable days. I usually don't whine too much when I'm sick, but when my allergies act up, I am the biggest baby there is. I woke up two days ago to swollen eyes. I looked in the mirror and scared myself...I looked like I had gone 10 rounds in a box ring...and I lost! My eyes were black and swollen so bad I could hardly open them. I took a pill and washed my eyes, which kept people from asking me if I needed a domestic violence counselor, but I still couldn't open my eyes all the way. I even had a rash on my eyelid! How in the hell do you get a rash on your eyelid?? It sucks to be sitting at work and wanting so bad to just scratch my eyes. I know it would feel so much better! But, I also know that will be short lived and my eyes will swell shut just to spite me and I will be in trouble since I won't be able see! I can pretty much only see out of one eye as it is, I don't need to be making it more complicated. Thankfully, the last two days it has been a bit better. I am just really looking forward to having the wind stop blowing. Thankfully I live in this dry desert so I know it will eventually...if I lived up in the mountains where I'm from, it NEVER stops blowing! I'm a firm believer that constant wind can make a person go crazy! :)

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