Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have been so tired lately. I guess lack of sleep isn't helping. Add on severe allergies, allergy medicine, being Mom, Dad, Referee, Accountant, Maid, Cook, Teacher, Chauffer and slave into the mix it's no wonder! On Saturday I had such good intentions. I went and picked up my bountiful basket with all those great fruits and vegetables trying to force us all to eat better. I even ordered the extra strawberries so I could make jam. I dropped my kids off at an Easter party and my mom and I literally ran to a couple of stores trying to find Easter gifts because, as usual, I waited until last minute. Then I had to run to the grocery store because I can't seem to EVER remember to get everything on the list. After we finally get home, I put the eggs on to boil so we could color them and sat down on the couch to watch some tv. It was pretty quiet in my house for a change because I bought both of my kids a new movie and they were in their rooms watching them (yes, I'm a firm believer in using tv as a babysitter!). Anyway, next thing I know, my daughter comes in and says, "Mom, my movie is over. When can we color eggs?" I'm pretty foggy headed and then it dawns on me what she says, eggs. "Oh shit!!!" I jump up and run into the kitchen to see there is only about a 1/2" of water left in the pan. Those eggs cooked for over an hr!! Ugh...I hardly ever take a nap and I chose when I had eggs on to boil to do it. We colored them anyway and we are eating them in salads and stuff...still not too bad surprisingly.

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