Saturday, March 17, 2012

Long Time no Talk!

Wow, it feels like it has been years since I have posted!!! You have no idea how much I miss blogging. As you can guess, I still don't have internet on my computer. I could post from my phone, but it would be like texting a novel and I don't have the patience for that. A friend of mine said she got her computer fixed at Staples for $10, but sometimes even $10 is a lot. So, still waiting for that financial windfall my horoscope promised me last year!

My mom moved in January and she now finally has internet. She was having issues getting it hooked up. But, she has internet now and she lives 10 minutes closer to me so hopefully I can get some posts done!

Last night my daughter had a friend stay the night. Now let me say, I think I might be a mean mom. When my daughter goes to her friends' houses to spend the night, they stay up until 2 am, eat whatever they want and do pretty much whatever they want. Well, around 1100 I was getting after them and telling them it was time to go to bed. I don't think they went to sleep until after midnight. I also didn't let them eat whatever they wanted and I insisted that rules were followed. I will be a mean mom anyday!

Today both of my kids have gone quading with a friends. That makes me so nervous! I know I have to let my kids grow up and go do things even though I am not comfortable with some of those things. If I kept them home everytime I was uncomfortable, my poor kids would never leave the house! So, I resorted to fear tactics and told them kids die on quads all the time because rules were not followed. They better wear helmets and follow rules and be safe. Now I have to let them go and hope they listened. I think that is one of the hardest parts about being a parent, letting our kids venture out into the world, do dangerous things and pray they have been listening to our paranoia...or maybe I'm the only mom that is paranoid. I think my job makes me that way. My late husband used to get really iritated with me. One time my stepdaughter was about 12 years old, the same age as my son is now. She wanted to go with her aunt, uncle and cousins to go quading. There were rules that I set down with her and them. She was to wear a helmet and she was not to drive. I got agreements from everyone and promises that these rules would be followed. A couple hours later we got a call, my stepdaughter was being taken to the emergency room because she crashed on the quad. She was not wearing a helmet and she was driving and ran into a tree. Luckily, all she needed was a few stitches, but to say the least I was furious. The family couldn't understand why I was so mad! Anyway, sometimes my paranoia is justified! Ha!

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