Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friendship Here and There

So I know I said I wouldn't use names in my posts.  I use Tom's because he's gone and it sounds weird whenever I call him "my late husband".  I sound like an 80 year old woman that should be dressed all in black!  Besides, if I want any of you to know him, you have to know his name.  I am also going to use another name today...Liza.  I am using her name for the same reasons.  She is also gone.  She took her own life a year ago, just like Tom took his 7 1/2 years ago.

Liza is the sister of a dear friend of mine.  My friend that I will call Angel.  Kind of funny actually...I love and collect angels.  She has even given me a couple for birthdays.  I am also called angellic by another friend as sort of a joke, because everyone knows I'm so not angellic! Haha  Angel is definitely an angel here on earth.

There are some people that I know come into our lives for a reason.  Angel and I met a few years ago and we hit it off immediately.  Although, I think she is like that with most people she meets.  She has a very friendly and open personality and genuinely cares about people.  We live in the same neighborhood so we see each other around and she threw me a fireman's themed birthday party one year.  Ever since Liza died, we have a connection that will bind our friendship forever.  It's not the way we wanted our friendship to be bound, but it's there none the less.  Angel is one of the strongest, most spiritual people I know.  Her strength gives me strength.  I don't know what I would do without her!

Every few months we get together and go to lunch.  I love our lunches together!  We talk about Tom and Liza as much as we want.  We of course talk about other things too, like our kids, religion, politics, my pathetic dating life. Haha  The conversation always seems to come back to Tom and Liza. :)

I believe that we are tied forever to those that pass on.  Not just because of the religion thing, but because there are too many things that happen for me not to believe it.  Just like my last post about Tom being there with me while I went to sleep.  Angel pointed out that maybe Tom couldn't be the protective father that he wanted and needed to be in his earthly body.  Maybe in order for him to protect his children, he has to do it from the other side.  My kids are so impulsive, wild and crazy!  They don't pay attention to where they are going so maybe Tom is talking to them telling them not to do that, or nudging them out of the way or talking to the drivers in our neighborhood to watch out for our kids who don't watch where they are going!  Maybe he was keeping his oldest son safe while he was in Iraq and told his oldest daughter not to marry the man she was engaged to.  I never thought about it this is a great way to think about it! 

Angel had befriended a teenage girl who got pregnant.  This young girl's baby boy was born too early.  Even though that baby was a fighter, his little body just couldn't do it.  Angel loved that baby and was broken hearted when he died.  I believe that because of the friendship Angel had with baby boy and the love that Liza has for her sister, Liza was there when baby boy passed through the veil to make sure he was taken care of. 

I have been thinking a lot about it lately, I wonder if Tom and Liza have met because of the friendship that Angel and I have.  I think they would hit it off.  Even though I never had the chance to meet Liza, I feel like I know her.  She was a very caring person with a big heart.  She loved to help people whether it was someone in need or someone she loved.  She was also rebellious.  Tom was also giving and caring.  He made it a mission to take care of people and he especially loved to take care of those rebellious spirits.  They both were loved by everyone who met them!  Tom is old enough to be Liza's dad.  I like to think that he took her under his wing and has been guiding her.  That they have been teaching each other how to forgive themselves, because that is an important part of our progression.

Angel tells me often that she can't wait to meet Tom.  I know that she would be good friends with him too.  I feel the same way about Liza.  In a way, I'm a rebellious spirit.  I am not rebellious in the way that Liza was, but I definitely have my stubborn moments and plant my feet.  There are times when I don't want to do what I am supposed to be doing.  In so many ways I conform to what everyone else expects, so I rebel when and where I can.

Tom and Liza, I hope that you have met and are friends.  I hope that you take care of each other until your families join you!

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