Sunday, April 1, 2012

What the????

The other night I was sitting in my living room and I got to thinking, what the heck happened to me? All I do is chase kids, work, my business and exercise. I love my kids and I love spending time with them, but I don't want it to be all about them and I don't want my life to be all about work either. It is very evident that I am completely wrapped up in their lives because a few weeks ago I went to a wedding and I went without them. They were both upset that they couldn't go. They thought because I am going, they automatically get to go. We even had a conversation yesterday about the fact that I get to go do things without them once in a while. My kids get to go do things with their friends, I need to be doing the same.

A friend of mine invited me to a surprise birthday party for her husband. It was a pretty good drive to get there, but thanks to my mom watching my kids overnight, I was determined to go out. I was able to go out and be with adults and carry on adult conversations. It was awesome!! I saw an old friend I haven't seen in a while and FINALLY met his lovely wife. It was great to catch up with him. I visited with friends from work and I hung out with a relatively new friend. It was a good night and I need more of them for sure.

I think I need to start dating again. Not to necessarily find a husband, but to just get out. The only problem with that is the only way I really date is online dating...ugh, I'm not liking the idea of getting back online because of all the freakazoids I seem to meet! I haven't had very good luck with that, although it has provided some pretty good stories! I have had a few people approach me and say "You should go out with so and so." Okay, so tell THEM! Set it up, like a party or double date or whatever. Don't just say that and then move on never to be mentioned again. I'm still a somewhat old fashioned woman and I think the man should ask the woman out. I do not do church singles activities. They are not fun for me at all.

Ok, enough whining I guess. I guess I need to find a class to take or find a new hobby where I can meet men. If anyone out there knows any nice single guys to set me up with, I'm up for that too. I do have some criteria though. He has to be at least 5'10", be over 30, have a job and be single...oh, and not live with his mother!

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