Sunday, February 3, 2013

Steve's Funeral

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect.  No one could have asked for a better day to remember our friend Steve.

Before I talk about the funeral, I have to give a big huge thanks to some other friends of mine.  Friends that I share with Steve.  Thank you to Steve's squad.  I have been friends with some of them for a long time and yesterday they invited me into their circle and made me feel like a welcome part of them.  One of them seemed to sense that I didn't like doing things alone and he asked if I wanted him to walk with me into the viewing.  It was such a relief to have a friend standing by my side as I met Steve's parents and said a quick goodbye to Steve.  (I don't really like viewings and I don't linger over the body. Their spirit is what made them who they are and that isn't there so their body doesn't look the same no matter how good they make them look.) He then walked me into the room where the squad was waiting and the honor guard was practicing. I enjoyed visiting with them all and I felt like I was part of the family.  After the graveside, they invited me to the luncheon with them.  That was fun to joke, laugh and tell stories.  They understood that Steve was my friend and in their unselfish way, helped me grieve with them.  Another friend let me sit with him in the funeral and then let me ride with him to the cemetary.  Thank you so much friend for hangin' out with me.  I have learned to do a lot of things alone, but funerals are not one of them. 

The funeral was a great service.  There were a lot of tears of course, but there was a lot more laughter.  Steve was a very funny guy and it was fun to hear of the crazy stuff he had done in his short life.  It was a jam packed funeral with the entire chapel and cultural hall in a stake center filled.  That is a great testament to the kind of man he was.  I loved hearing that not only was he a great son, friend and officer, but that he was a faithful servant to the Lord.  He never waivered in his faith.  Steve's family was so grateful and proud of Steve.  At the luncheon Steve's dad said a word of thanks to everyone and then he went around and said thank you to everyone individually.  They are very good people and I wish I had met them sooner.  I am thankful to them for sharing their son with us all.

The graveside is the hardest part.  He had full honors and it was beautiful.  I love seeing all of those officers standing at attention in respect.  There is a lot of respect given to folding the flag and giving the grieving family the flag and the smokey hat.  I was sobbing and Steve's parents were smiling with pride. 

A week ago I started writing a poem about Steve.  I got about 3/4 of the way done and hit a road block.  I had an absolute blank mind.  I sat and stared, thought, slept on it and walked away from it.  Still nothing.  I so wanted to have it done before the funeral, but writer's block stood in my way.  I finally finished it last night.  It may be simple and not what a professional poet would write, but it comes from the heart and I hope it gives some insight into what kind of man Steve was.


How do you describe a friend?
A contagious smile,
And a kind and generous heart.
A great love of life,
And someone who goes the extra mile.

A big family guy
And a gentle giant.
A simple and funny guy,
Who loved to give bear hugs
And was always a constant.

Extremely loyal.
A prankster and a joker,
A strong and faithful servant.
A life dedicated to service,
And a really hard worker.

Now dear friend, the time has come,
Your journey on earth is done.
We smile and laugh through our tears
Knowing this is only temporary,
And that your life has only truly begun.

Your friend
Kelli Beday
February 3, 2013

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