Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I have had a lot of stuff on my mind the last several days.  I guess it would be the last couple of weeks.  I'm so tired of death and sickness.  Can we please just have some happy times now?

My sister lost her baby a couple of weeks ago.  She was so sad, of course, and I was sad for her and her husband and kiddos.  Having a baby growing inside you and then having it die is traumatic.  They are doing well though.  They have their beliefs and their faith and that is getting them through.

My friend Steve passed away last Friday.  It was sudden, unexpected and sad.  He was only 29 years old.  I've been in contact with a couple of his squad mates who are also friends.  They are doing well, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about them.  The funeral is Saturday.  I hate funerals, I really do.  And I hate going to those kind of things by myself.  You would think after 8 years I would be past that.  I'm not. 

Another friend lost her dad on the same day.  It's hard to lose a parent.  I lost my stepdad 10 years ago.  That was hard even though it was a blessing for him since he had been sick for a long time.  Doesn't make it easier.  I dread the day when I will lose my parents and stepmom.

Someone I know lost their grandma, another friend lost their grandpa. 

A friend had a mini stroke, another girl I know had appendicitis.  Sheesh...enough already! 

I did have a friend have a baby a couple weeks ago, so that is happy news.  There are more babies that are due in the next couple of weeks.  It's time for the happy and joyful things to happen! 

I have a purse order I need to get done, a craft fair coming up a week from Sunday, a poem I have half way done about my friend Steve and I'm stuck with writer's block, designs for new purses I want to try, I want to start exercising again, but I'm afraid to, my son's broken phone and the replacement phone was broken too.  You see, just a lot of stuff!!  Can someone turn it off???????

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