Saturday, March 2, 2013


My whole life there are two things that I have heard a lot of people say. "I hate change" and "Everything happens for a reason."  I have been thinking about both of these statements a lot the last couple of days.  Maybe it's because a friend of mine made a really big change in his life.  Or maybe it's because I need to make a change.  What that change is I don't know yet.   

Change is inevitable and we can't avoid it.  It happens all around us every day.  Sometimes change is small and sometimes it is big.  It happens when we graduate, have a relationship, get married, have a baby, divorce, lose someone we love, illness, change jobs, move.  Sometimes change is because of choices we make.  Sometimes it is because of a choice that someone else makes.  Sometimes it is because God is in charge and it is what He knows is best.

There is change that is good and there is change that starts out bad, but turns out good.  There is change that is easy and change that is difficult. 

Sometimes change is bittersweet.  Like a love that could have been great had circumstances been different or the timing was better.  Or a friend moving on and up and the friendship forever changing.  The memories are amazing and wonderful, but the change is difficult anyway.

Does everything really happen for a reason?  I mean, we have free agency.  So, aren't some things just the natural result of the choice we made?  I know some things do happen for a reason.   Sometimes even though we want something to happen more than anything and that thing isn't necessarily bad, it just isn't the right time or place or person.  God has a greater plan for us.  Waiting to see what that greater plan is, is the hard part.  If anyone else is like me, patience is absent.  I've witnessed this over and over and over again in my life and in other's lives.  So, I am trying very hard to be patient and see what great thing God has planned for me.  And I will try to accept change in my life. 

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