Saturday, March 9, 2013


There are very few things more powerful than words.  We communicate with words.  Whether they are good words or bad words, they can carry quite a punch.

Words are used to describe the beauty around us and the ugliness too.  They are used to describe our feelings and emotions by way of writing in a poem or a song.  They are used to bring humor and laughter into our lives. 

Words are used to cut each other down.  They are used to spew hatred, rumors and lies.  Words can be mean, crass, rude, disgusting, vile and vulgar. 

Words can also be beautiful and a way to show love.  They can lift a person by giving words of encouragement.  They can be loving, sweet, kind, generous, nice and good.

Words are spoken, yelled, shouted, whispered, signed, written and sung. 

Words are used to start a war.  They are also used to bring peace.  They are used to teach and give advice.  And used to share our opinions and tell why we feel the way we do.

Most important of all, words are used to show love.

How easy is it to communicate without words?  Body language is just as important as words when communicating with someone.  However, body language can't be heard.  Only words can be heard and seen and felt.  I know I need to work on how I use my words.  Maybe if we all work on how we use our words, this world would be a better place.

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