Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catching Up

So, I'm still trying to learn the art of time management. That is not an easy task I am finding. I am the type of person that has to have a plan. I am not very good at being spontaneous, so when something comes up and throws my plans off, my whole time management goes out the window. Although, some things that come up are worth it for sure! Because of this time management thing, I have seriously slacked off on writing on here!

What is new with me? Well, I spent money that I didn't really have and shouldn't have spent, but it was money well worth spending. I got my kids and I a one month pass at the local recreation center around the corner from us. It is great because I can go work out, walk/run around the indoor track, take a class or whatever. Unlike a gym, my kids have things to do instead of sitting around in daycare. They can climb the rock wall, play pool, ping pong, racket ball, basketball, volleyball, etc. It is awesome!! We are all up and moving around instead of sitting on our butts in front of the tv complaining about how hot it is. We are all getting our exercise and out meeting new people. I will continue to try and scrape the money together to buy passes for us to keep it up. I do have to tell you about the fitness instructor from the class that I took. When she first came in, she had her back to me so I couldn't see what she looked like. She was very skinny, fit, all muscle, looked like about 30 from the back. She had bleached blonde hair. I was expecting to see barbie when she turned around. When she walked by me, she turned to say hi to me...I was startled when I saw her face...she had the face of an 80 year old! I hope I look that good at her far as being fit that is! I doubt she was 80 and that she has just spent too much time in the sun, so who knows how old she really is.

My purse business is doing pretty well for just starting out. I love making these purses, coming up with the fabric combinations and putting it all together and I really love seeing how happy people are with the end result!

I had lunch with a friend the other day that I haven't seen in about 18 years! It was so great to see her again! She was the one that originally pushed me to start speed walking all those years ago and then later step aerobics. Because of that, I lost a bunch of weight back then. Seeing her again and how good she still looks, was an inspiration to me to work out hard and lose the weight again. She is 51 years old and looks like she's 30...I can do that too if I work at it!

I have been having the weirdest dreams lately. Dreams so weird that I wake up actually relieved it was a dream. I have had dreams of my supervisor screaming at me because I missed one question on a test and a couple of other work related dreams. I also had a dream that this guy I know who is very overweight came on to me...but, he didn't just come on to me, he did it naked! In my dream I was screaming at him, "NO!!!!!! Ewwww!!!! Get away!" The icing on the cake was the dream that I was pregnant. In my dream I was freaking out! I'm too old, I can't be pregnant, how can this happen, etc. A guy friend of mine in the dream was telling me it really wasn't that big of deal...for him maybe...he wasn't the pregnant one! I woke up in a sweat on that one and was very glad it was just a dream! I often wonder why we dream what dream.

I haven't talked about my dating life lately. That's because it is pretty much nonexistant. I'm not sure how I feel about it either. I have had such a bad run lately that it is almost better to not be going on any dates. I'm so tired of the jerks. On the other hand, I miss having adult male companionship and going out once in a while. I think I will just keep working out and hopefully that will get rid of my frustrations!!

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