Thursday, June 2, 2011

Moment of Greatness!

There are some definite advantages to being a tall woman. I don't have to ask people to get things down from a top shelf, I can do it myself and I do it for people in the store sometimes. I can hide and extra 5 lbs easier than a short the extra 30 that I'm carrying around now, not so much! It is fun to pick on short people! Several years ago I worked in the same field I am working in now, but a different place. Again it is prodominantly men and these men are definitely the macho type. I worked with another woman who was even taller than the time that was a rare thing to find! She was 6'2" and I am 5'10". We decided to pick on one of those men. He was about 5'5", maybe. Even though I'm tall, I love to wear heals so that particular day I was about as tall as my friend. There were a bunch of guys standing in the hall getting ready for a meeting and my friend and I walked up to our vertically challenged friend and stood on either side of him and started to chat with him. W-"Hey girls. What's up?" "Nothing W, what's up with you?" That brought gails of laughter from the guys in the hallway and then he realized we were messing with him and he had to actually look up to talk to us!

There are some disadvantages as well. Finding pants long enough is such a pain in the ass sometimes. If I can't find long length, then I look like I'm walking around waiting for a flood. They aren't short enough to be capris pants either. It seems that most of my girlfriends are at least 5 inches shorter than me. When there is a group of people standing around and I'm the one that is 5 inches taller than everyone in the group, I feel like a giant! It is also hard with dating sometimes. The short ones seem to really like me! "Ooooo...I LOVE tall women!" You would be surprised how often I hear that from men that are 5'7" or shorter. I went dancing one time with a group of friends. Who was the one that got asked to dance? Me. How tall was he? About 5'4" and he wouldn't take no for answer! He grabbed my hand and took me out on the dance floor...thank goodness it wasn't a slow song or it could have been a bit awkward for me! I have dated a few guys that are shorter than me. Some are very comfortable with who they are so they are secure in it. Others, not so much. I have found that I really like tall men. I dated a guy once that was 6'10" and I LOVED it...I felt small! lol Another disadvantage, I'm the one that gets asked to do all the jobs that require being tall because there is no ladder available. Most of the time I don't mind it, but sometimes....

Apparently, there were some gnats flying around at work the other day. Those that worked in the morning never saw them, but those that work afternoon/evenings said they were everywhere. The next day the supervisor came in the room carrying one of those bug catching strips in her hand. It is one of those really sticky things that hang from the ceiling and are supposed to attract the bugs. They are really gross looking before the bugs get stuck to them, can you imagine how nasty they are after the bugs attach themselves? Anyway, she turns to me and says, "Can you hang this up if I get the ladder? If you do it, you only have to go up 1 or 2 rungs, if I do, I have to go up 4." Oh boy. Now, to make this story even better, I have to tell you about my supervisor. She is VERY squeemish. I thought I was bad (see earlier post about fishing), but she puts me to shame. Anything remotely dirty and she has to clean it right now! For Christmas one year we gave her a basket of cleaning supplies and she was the happiest person on the planet. Here she is carrying around this gross bug strip and she barely has a hold of it by the string. Another thing you should know about her is, she hates to see bare feet. It is a thing with her.

So we finally find a place to hang this strip in the room, btw it adds a certain charm to the room. We drag the ladder over to the place where we are going to hang it. My supervisor is standing between two desks, she has the wall behind her and I put the ladder in front of her...she is trapped. She has no where to run and no where to hide. Oh, perfect for some moments of greatness! I take my shoes off to start climbing the ladder (I can't climb up with sandals on!) and that is the start of it. She was already on the edge having to hold the bug strip and now I am barefooted in front of her. She has a thumb tac in the little loop and she wants me to try and hang it up. The ceiling is made of foam and the tac won't stick in the ceiling and stay. So, we now have to go to the next idea, tape. She pulls off a piece of tape that is about 6 inches what in the hell am I supposed to do with a piece of tape that long? It keeps getting stuck to itself, to me and I'm trying not to drop the strip, get unstuck from the tape and I get my hand stuck on the strip. Ok, now I'm getting grossed out because when I pull it off my hand it strings out and it left sticky stuff on my hands. Then the inevitable happens...I drop it on the floor. My supervisor starts freaking out. She is shuddering and shaking. She's practically having a seizure and has no where to run! My friend L is loving it and brings out the camera phone and starts videoing and taking pictures...and of course, egging it on. "Is there hair stuck in it?" LOL That starts it all over again. I am laughing so hard I can't even do anything and I have tears running down my face. I'm even laughing as I am writing this remembering how funny it was! So, she picks it up and refuses to look at it. She gets me a much smaller piece of tape this time and I work it through the loop. I was laughing so hard I couldn't do it and I dropped it again...this time just on the desk, but L says, "Watch out...don't get it in your hair!" OMG! I think we would have had to call the fire department for her if that would have happened! Hmmmm...maybe I should have so we could have the cute firemen in our office! Ahhhhh...that was one moment of greatness! P.S. I think I should get hazardous duty pay for that!

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