Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Crappy Week

What a crappy week this has been. I am so ready for it to be over, move on and start over. Last week I noticed a leak under my car. It was leaking antifreeze. I talked to my brother and he said it could be a hose or it could be the water pump. Well, it wasn't payday yet so I had to keep putting antifreeze in it and hope I could make it to Friday to get it home and figure out how to fix my car. Needless to say, didn't make it. Friday afternoon I walked out of work and saw water and antifreeze all over the ground under my car. Ugh Well, I wasn't too upset about it, I knew it was coming, I was just hoping it would wait until I got home. I checked on the cost of the part, $34.99. Not too bad. I can afford that and still go home for Pioneer Days. Famous last words.

I called Bud, he didn't answer his phone. I left a msg, sent a couple of text messages. He never answered me back...maybe he is sick of working on my car! My brother was busy and out of town as well, so I had my car towed to a shop in Phoenix where I used to take it all the time. They have always been fair with me and I could trust them. The tow was free through my insurance. So, off my car went. The garage isn't open on Saturdays so that was a bummer. My sister took my kids and I home and the rest of the weekend my mom gave me rides to do what I needed to do. And this happened on the weekend that I had to work on Sunday for a coworker. Sunday night I stayed the night at my sister's so I could have a ride to work on Monday.

Saturday, the shop called me. He happened to be in doing paperwork and he wanted to let me know that it was the water pump and how much it was going to cost...$500!!!!!!!! What?!?!?! I about died...a part at the store costs $34.99 and he was quoting me $500!! I told him no way, we had to drop that down somehow. He gave me a couple of discounts and came up with $340. That is better but I still can't afford that. I don't have that much money just laying around. Bud finally called me back on Saturday, he was out of town. He gave me a big lecture about having it towed to the shop, I should have just left it in the parking lot, blah, blah, blah. If I knew he was out of town and that he was going to eventually get back to me then maybe I would have left it and he could help me out. My brother and nephew worked it out to pick it up from the shop and towed it out to their house to fix it. They still have it.

Thankfully my brother has a truck I can borrow or I would be in big trouble. It isn't great, but it runs and it has wheels. I have named it The Beast! The worst thing about it, it doesn't have a/c! OMG IT'S HOT!!!! Hopefully they will be done with my car today so I can go get it.

Even though I didn't have to pay as much as I would have at the shop, I still have had to pay quite a bit and it took all of my trip money. So, once again I am missing out on Pioneer Days. Never fails, something always happens to cancel my trip for Pioneer Days. It's either work, money or car problems. I get very frustrated with's not like I want to go to Hawaii or anything, I want to go home to a town of 3,000 people for Pete's sake. Oh well.

I hate relying on other people...I feel like such a failure when I can't take care of myself. My family and friends are always happy to be there to help me out though and they don't complain about it either. The only complaint I got was from Bud for not telling him sooner that my car had a leak. I didn't tell him because I rely on him to fix my car a lot and I don't want him thinking I am taking advantage of him. I can't express my gratitude to my family and friends enough. My sister and brother-in-law are so amazing. They watch my kids for me all the time, let us stay at their house, drove me around to get parts and get my car in the shop, fed us and took care of us. My mom gave me rides even when she didn't feel good and let me take her car to pick up some stuff. My brother and nephew towed my car back to their house, their fixing it, fed us and lent me a truck. I have had a few of my friends offer me rides. One was even willing to get up super early to take me to work, which is a 30 minute trip. He's so awesome! Bud calls me everyday to see how things are going and to make sure I'm okay and check the status of my car. I feel very loved!! I have the best friends and family ever!! Love you all!

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