Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good Times

My little hometown has had this celebration every year in July. It is Pioneer Days. The celebration was created to celebrate the Mormon Pioneers journey across the plains to settle in the west. All of my growing up years, I looked forward to the celebration every July. It was something fun to do that broke up the monotony of a long drawn out summer. It usually starts off with an ice cream social at the park with free swimming. There is a rodeo, 3 different dances, a program put on by the towns folk, a bbq at the park, a parade and a camp fire circle. The camp fire circle everyone takes their bbq grills, pick ups and food and go out to this field and circle around, just like the pioneers used to circle the wagons. Then, besides eating, you walk around the circle and visit with everyone, sometimes people you haven't seen in years. They also have hay rides for the kids. It's such a big deal that one year it rained the whole weekend, but everyone was still standing there in the rain for every bit of it.

Every year I try to get up there for the celebration and every year it seems that something happens that I can't make it. I haven't been in many years. Usually it is my work schedule that keeps me from going. This year I have worked really hard to rearrange my schedule, save a little bit of money and I'm trying to get up there. Now that I have kids I really want my kids to experience it at least once. I think they would have as much fun as I did when I was a kid. Well, now I'm having car problems...just my luck. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can get them taken care of so we can go. Keep your fingers crossed too!!

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