Monday, July 11, 2011

Facebook Etiquette

So, I think there should be some rules about facebook that people have to adhere to. One of those rules being, if you drop someone as a friend you should have to give them a reason why. Like, I don't like your posts, your profile picture sucks, etc.

There have been people that have dropped me in the past and it took me a little while to figure out who it was. Some of them, I really don't care about. You don't want to be my fb friend, then so be it. But sometimes I really wonder why. I'm not really offended that I got dropped, but I am curious for sure.

A few years ago I went out with this guy. He was nice, but I really didn't think anything would come of it. About a year ago we had another date. It was basically like a first date all over again because it had been so long since we had seen each other. To top it off, we both had our kids with us and we were at a kid place. Then he was making sexual remarks throughout the night and it was just awkward. We haven't been out since. I think we both knew we weren't right for each other, but we were still friends. We would drop a line or two on facebook once in a while just to keep in touch. A couple days ago he started posting that he loved so and so and that he missed her so much. He made a couple of posts like that over the last couple of days. Tonight I realized, he dropped me as a friend on facebook! Yesterday he was doing the facebook poke with me and today, I am no longer his facebook friend. Typical man...poke and leave with no explanation! Seriously, I am not interested in dating him and I am very happy that he has found someone to love, but I thought we were friends. Apparently we can't be facebook friends anymore because he is in a relationship, but that is only speculation because he dropped me without a word.

I promise, if I ever get in a relationship, I won't drop anyone off least not without an explanation first! Sheesh! Oh, and men and women really can be just friends!!!!! I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. I must say it is fairly typical that Women can be just friends with men, but men can seldom be just friends with women. I do agree that people should have to give a reason for "unfriending" you. Matter of fact, since they have to ask your permission to be your friend... they should have to ask your permission to no longer be your friend!
