Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Difference Between Men and Women

In church today, one of the lessons was called "Love Her Mother". It was basically about telling a father that the best thing he could do for his daughter, was to love her mother. Then they turned it around and said that the best thing a woman can do for her daughter is to "Love Her Father". That then started quite a discussion about the difference between men and women.

All of the women said they treated their husbands like they should read their minds. The woman says to herself, "I really would like to stop and get ice cream." Well, he's not going to know unless she actually says it...he can't read minds! They then said they would like their man to just do it without prompting.

That got me giggling inside. I am certainly not an expert about men. I haven't been married for over 7 years and my dating life leaves something to be desired. I couldn't really participate in the discussion without feeling like a know it all. However, I do work with a lot of men and the majority of my friends are men. So, ladies, here are a couple things having men friends has taught me. Men have to fix things. It is completely natural and automatic to them. Here is an example. I was talking to Bud a few weeks ago. I was telling him about a little problem I was having with my love life. I didn't give him any names or specific details, I was just giving enough information that he would understand me. Well, he then proceeded to give me ideas on what I could do and they were pretty outrageous! I could tell he was grasping at straws. Finally I told him that I didn't need him to fix it, I just was venting. He then said, "Good! Cuz I got nothing." Haha

Men are straightforward creatures. They just want you to say it in as few words as possible because that is what they do. This is one thing I love about having men friends. Bud just tells me what he's thinking whether I want him to or not. Ha! I know that I can also say whatever I am thinking. He never, ever knocks me for saying it. We may bicker like we've been married for 10 years as my sister put it, but he never gives me a hard time about saying what I'm thinking. The other day I told one of my other guy friends that if I'm ever a mean bitch to please just tell me! I would rather him say it to me than to just think it and be mad at me. He was quick to promise he would. :)

Now it would only be fair if I said a few things about women...for those few men that actually read my blog. I don't even think Bud reads my blog...he would tell me he is much to busy to read it and why does anyone care anyway? lol

Guys, women make up these big stories in their minds about how they think things are or should be. These stories could be romantic fantasy or they could be fear about something. 99% of these stories NEVER turn out to be the way we think of them, but we can't help it!

We expect men to read our minds. When they ask us what's wrong and we say nothing, we expect them to know that it isn't "nothing" and they better figure out what is wrong. Why we don't just say what's wrong, I have no idea. It's just how it is.

We also like to tell long stories. We have to give every single detail so you can picture it right along with us. We want you to understand it and feel it just like you were there!

The last thing I will tell you guys is this, women LOVE little gestures and big gestures. We love it when you do it on your own without being told or hints being dropped...not that you get hints anyway! :) We love flowers just because once in a while. We love a text message or a phone call just to say hi. A friend of mine texted me the other day because there was a big wreck on my way home and he wanted to make sure I made it through the wreck. That meant a lot to me! He probably has no idea why that means a lot to me.

We will never fully understand the differences. We will continue to annoy and drive each other crazy. We will scratch our heads and wonder what in the world is going on with them. We will sometimes have to "fake it 'til we make it" as someone said today, but it is worth it. How boring life would be if men and women were the same!

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