Thursday, June 21, 2012

Father's Day

Father's Day is a bitter sweet day for me.  I love my dad so much and I love the man that he is!  I see a lot of him in myself.  I called him on Sunday to wish him a happy day.  It was so great to talk to him and at the end of the conversation I had to hang up quickly because I was in tears.  I haven't seen my dad in it seems like forever!  Due to money and car issues, I just can't seem to get out of the city and up to the mountains where I love to be.  Everytime I plan a trip, something happens to keep me from going, so I haven't seen my dad in a long time and I miss him so much! 

My step dad is gone.  I miss him a whole lot.  He was ornery and funny as hell.  Oh, we can't forget stubborn!!!!!  I never thought there was anyone as stubborn as him, until my kids came along.  They are his bioligical grandchildren and that is one of the many things they inherited from him...his stubborness!  He could have given them pretty much any other part of his genetic make up, but no....he had to pass that on! haha  I'm trying to teach my kids to use that stubborness for good instead of to defy me or their teachers...sigh...still trying!

The sunday before father's day, we were getting ready to leave church and my daughter said, "Mom, I don't want to go to church next week."  "Why?"  "Because it's Father's Day and we are singing to the dads.  During practice I started crying really hard and I just don't want to be up there crying in front of everyone."  As the week went on she changed her mind and decided she might like to go.  My son on the other hand, was having a hard time deciding if he wanted to go or not.  By the time Sunday got here, I made the decision not to go.  I just couldn't do it.  I guess I'm just a big ol' wuss.

The kids did their traditional thing.  Every year since Tom died, we have gotten balloons and the kids attach little notes they have written to their dad to the balloons.  They then go outside and release them up to heaven for Tom to see.  Every year it makes me teary eyed and every year I pray that they never outgrow it and that Tom sees the notes. 

I asked  a friend how his Father's Day was and he turned around and asked me how mine was, since I am the mom AND dad.  Nice of him to ask! I don't look like a dad, but hey, I can put a new door knob on a door!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Father's Day!

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