Sunday, June 3, 2012


I am still on my quest to organizing my life.  I am so completely and totally frustrated!  I go through my house and see how much work I have to do, I get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.  Consequently my house looks like a tornado went through it!  All I seem to do is move stuff from one pile to another.

Here is an example.  Since I started my purse business, I have been over run with fabric and no place to put it.  So several months ago I bought a couple of book cases and organized my fabric by color and stacked it on the shelves.  Looked great until I started the next business.  Now I have ribbon, thread, yard and product I have made laying around everywhere and no place to put it!  On top of that I have my scrapbook bin which is completely out of control and over flowing, stuff from classes I took a while back that are just stacked, all my cricut stuff stacked, some 72 hr kit stuff in my closet because I don't have anywhere else to put it and now I can't walk in my closet...and all of this is just in my bedroom!!! Agh!!!  For someone who likes things neat and orderly, this is pure hell for me!

My dream is to find a 4 bedroom house or a house with a den or something that I can use just for my business.  Where I can have walls of bookshelves for my fabric, ribbon, paper, yarn, product, etc.  I would have a big huge island in the middle for a cutting counter that is big enough for me to lay all of my fabric out instead of having to fold it, a long counter top to put my sewing machine on so I can stretch out and a place for my kids to do their craft projects without having to mess up my kitchen to do it.  Then, when I'm done working on my projects, I can just close the door and walk THAT would be heaven!!  I found a 4 bedroom house in my neighborhood for rent.  I called knowing that it was probably out of my budget, but I crossed my fingers and toes hoping that just this one time it would be affordable...well, all the crossing didn't's about $600 over what I pay now for my small 3 bedroom house.  I guess I am meant to wallow in my own disorganization!

I needed to find a recipe a while back.  It was one that I had printed on a piece of paper and I couldn't find it in the crazy stack of recipes that I have.  Drove me crazy!  So, yesterday I bought a very big 3 ring binder that I got on clearance and I am going to start organizing my recipes and putting them in the binder.  I figure I can start small and 1 step at a time and maybe by the time my kids are grown and gone I will be organized!!

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