Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'm Back!!!

Woohoo!!! I am back on the internet!!  OMG, I don't think I have ever been so happy!!  I haven't had internet on my computer in probably at least 7 months, probably longer.  Thank goodness for my mom and a smart phone.

I had a problem with my computer.  Don't know what it was, but I had no money to get it fixed.  Extra money to fix things is a rare thing around.  So, I did something that I really didn't want to do...I did a system reboot and took it back to the beginning.  As much as I hated to do that, I am now back on the internet. 

Now I can blog whenever I have the ideas pop into my head, instead of jotting a note down and waiting until I get over to my mom's and hope I remember what the hell I was talking about.

Watch out everyone, I'm back!!!

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