Sunday, June 3, 2012


As I have said before, nearly every Sunday is an inner fight about whether I want to go to church or not.  It's not that I don't love the people there, or don't believe what is being taught...I can't even explain why I don't want to go most of the time.  Maybe it is because Tom is not there, maybe it is the fact that I am imperfect (as we all are) and I feel like I am being a hypocrite as I sit there getting my fill.  Every Sunday I struggle with this and yet, when I go I always enjoy it and I always leave with great intentions and feeling the spirit so strong.  Do I follow through with those intentions??  Depends.  I have so far to go that it is overwhelming. 

Today, I didn't want to go.  I asked both of my kids if they did and they both said yes.  So we went.  I am so grateful to have my kids who are such good examples to me.  The sad thing is, I am supposed to be the good example to them. 

I really enjoyed church today.  I felt so uplifted.  One of my friends gave a lesson and she shared some very difficult trials she has had to endure lately.  She is amazing and strong!  It is so hard to share things that are so deeply personal and as I was sitting there with my heart breaking for her, I realized that her sharing her personal trials and struggles, she is helping so many other people!  Though our trials are unique to us, there are others who have struggled with similar trials.  Some are suffering through them at this moment in silence.  Who knows how many of those women in that room were struggling with something similar?  Who knows how she touched someone's spirit by letting them know they are not alone.  We not only can rely on God, but we can rely on each other through our struggles.  Isn't that what this life is about??  We struggle, we learn, we pray and then we turn around and share our story and through that we try to help someone else.  We are saying, "I have been there.  My shoulders are strong if you need to lean on them." 

So please, do everyone a favor, share your stories.  Sharing will not only help you by putting a voice to it, but you never know who you could be helping!

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