Thursday, March 24, 2011

Enough Frogs Already!

Yesterday was kind of a strange day for me. I had to have the "no, I'm not going to date you" talk with 3 separate men. Two of them I have had the talk with already...a few times. Apparently they think if they keep trying eventually I will give in...sorry, not going to happen. I've changed too much over the last year for that. The third guy was a stalker in the making. He actually was pretty scary and he totally freaked out my sister...of course she has had a super scary stalker so she has a slightly different perspective on it.

This guy I started talking to online on Monday evening. By Tuesday he was calling me gorgeous, beautiful, sweetie and acting like I was his girlfriend. He is obsessed with my job, constantly asking me questions about it. He could even listen to me work and would send me text messages about what was going on...creepy! He wanted to meet right after work on Tuesday. I told him I had to get home for my kids. "Oh, ok. How about tomorrow?" Hello??? Did you not hear me? Yesterday he was telling me I was hot...ummmmm...we haven't even met yet! How in the world does he know if I'm hot or not? Most people might say thanks, but that is just weird. I told him we were not going to happen. One word response....ok.

On another note, I have two dates coming up so we shall see what happens!

I know we all have to kiss a few frogs before we meet our prince (not that I'm kissing all of these guys), but how many frogs do I have to go through?

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