Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hometown Goodness!

Last year, a few people from my hometown were talking...we should have a get together! Well, it didn't happen and it didn't happen. Then one day a few months ago, one of those friends asked me, "Are we ever going to have that get together before it gets too hot?" So, I took it upon myself to plan it. I'm kinda bossy that way! I picked the date and the place and sent out an invitation on facebook (I love facebook!!!) and we were off. Yesterday was that hometown get together. What fun we had! We even had some wind strong enough to blow the chips off my plate just to remind us of home!

I was definitely reminded that memory really is the first thing to go as you get older. I couldn't remember who hardly anyone was, and I realized as I started talking to people, neither could they! haha! There was a lot of What year did you graduate? Who are your parents? Do you have brothers or sisters that graduated with me? Who did you live by? That's the thing about small towns. You are known by your parents, relatives and who you lived next to.

It was fun to catch up on everyone's lives and to tell stories from when we were young. There were people from all different graduating classes there, which made it so fun! Thankfully my kids aren't shy like I was because they were able to make friends as well and had a blast!!

When I left the park yesterday, I was feeling a little bit homesick. Even though we all complain about that little town and the idiosyncrasies of the people that live there, when it comes down to it, we love that town. Most of our stories were full of fun and mischief. Wondering where classmates and friends are that we haven't seen or heard from in years. Remembering how naive we all were in the grand scheme of things. We are all connected to that town and each other. I miss the sense of community there. Where you drive down the road and everyone you pass waves at you. When you walk into a store, everyone knows your name. When you're a kid, everyone keeps an eye out for you and if you screw up, you better know that your parents are gonna know about it before you get home! The County Fair, 4th of July BBQ at the park and Pioneer Days. Even though very few of us still live there in that tiny, windy town, we all must love it and miss it or we wouldn't want to see what's up with it and the people. Some of the lyrics of Justin Moore's song Small Town USA really fit our town.

A lot of people called it prison when I was growin' up,
But these are my roots and this is what I love.
'Cause everyone knows me and I know them
And I believe that's the way we're supposed to live
I wouldn't trade one single day in Smalltown USA.

When I left yesterday, I walked away feeling a sense of pride about where I'm from and made some new friends. None of us may be able to live there again due to the economy, but we are all connected because of it! Thanks to those that came yesterday and I hope those that didn't will be able to make it next time!!

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