Monday, March 7, 2011


I have been sitting here staring at my computer screen for 20 minutes trying to think of what to write about. My mind is swirling around and around with so many things on my mind, but at the same time it seems blank. I have been thinking about politics, freedom, loneliness, my children, music, how much I need a happy change and many other things. All things that I'm not sure anyone wants to hear about. Sooooo, I will just say what I love and what brings me joy.

I love my kids. The way they laugh and talk. The way their eyes light up when they "get it" whatever "it" might be at the time. I love my family. They are so supportive and loving and they all crack me up! I especially love all my parents and siblings and I love my nieces and nephews as much as I love my own kids. I love my job! I may have moments of whining and complaining, but really, I do love what I do. I love a good rainstorm, with thunder or without. I love the way the earth smells after it rains. It's like it got a good washing and smells so clean and looks clean. I love the smell of roses. They remind me of my grandparents. My grandma loved pink roses and she used to wear rose water and my grandpa grew roses. I LOVE lilacs! I love the different shades of purple in those bunches of flowers and sweet smell they give off. It makes me think of spring in St. Johns. Everyone had lilacs! I love good conversations with good friends. I've had a lot of those lately and it truly brings me joy to be able to share my thoughts and hear their thoughts. I have discovered that I really like to write. I like writing this blog, whether anyone else likes it or not I don't know, but I love writing it. Putting my thoughts out there even though that are jumbled at times. I have been writing privately too and there is something healing about it. I love Arizona sunsets. Especially those that the oranges and pinks are so brilliant, it looks as if the sky is on fire. I love stars. It just reminds me that we really are small in the whole scheme of things and that God has created many worlds and universes. I love going up north and breathing clean air that smells of trees and dirt, not smog and chlorine. I love taking pictures and trying to capture in 1 second what I'm seeing go on around me and trying to tell the story I'm seeing with that one second. I love being inspired and I love when a plan works out. I love beautiful views and seeing what God has created. I love music! Music that makes me want to dance, or smile, or cry, or moves my soul. I love chocolate, cheesecake and mexican food! I love exercising even though I slack off sometimes. I love the feeling of accomplishment. I LOVE hugs and kisses! I love finding ways to turn my sadness into something good. I love babies! They are so sweet and innocent. They don't know what our faults are. They just want to be held and loved. I love my Savior. I may not live the way that I should or be the best example, but I am grateful for Him and to Him. I love to read. There is nothing like getting lost in another world. I love people watching and trying to figure out their life stories as they walk by. I love to laugh, even at myself! Laughter really is the best medicine and even though I love it so much, sometimes I forget to laugh.

Wow, this sure is a lot of happiness and I haven't even scratched the surface! But, I won't bore you anymore. :) I hope you feel inspired to think of what you love and brings you happiness and that you write it down!

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