Thursday, March 10, 2011


A while back I wrote a post about men and women being friends. I think those friendships are very important in life, but today I thought I would write about the importance of women friendships. Lets face it...there are some things that men just can't help us with.

I went to a women's dinner the other night. It was so much fun to see friends, to visit with them and eat with them. I had a really great time! The theme of this dinner was circle of sisters. Such an awesome, never ending. sisters, friends! At this dinner a survey was passed out, completely anonymous. Some of the questions were tough. A few examples, Have you ever suffered or are suffering from depression? Are you in debt? Have you ever had anorexia/bulemia? Have you ever been abused? There were several in depth questions like this. The answers were either yes, in the past, yes, currently or no. The answers will be tallied soon and the results shared. The purpose of it was to show that we are not alone in our pains and struggles. Somewhere very close by, there is someone else who is struggling or has struggled as well and if we open up our hearts to them we can either be helped or help someone else. It was very profound! A woman that I consider to be a friend spoke to us about how wonderful it is to have so many friends from all different walks of life and have completely different personalities and interests. I agree with her completely. I have always felt that way. When I was in high school I had many friends and they didn't all hang out together, not all of them were friends with each other and yet they all meant something to me.

After the dinner the ladies made beaded bracelets. Each bead represented a sister and the circle of the bracelet represents the circle of sisters. I wasn't able to stay to make the bracelet, but my dear friend made me one. It is beautiful! Every bead is different in color, size and shape because we are all different. None of us are the same. We are all unique and that is what makes us special.

Since the dinner, I have been thinking about my own friendships. I honestly haven't had very many women friends in my adult life. I'm not always the best friend that I can be, but I do love the friends that I have. They all have brought something very special and unique with them. I love them all and I have begun to realize how important it is for me to have women friends. My dear friend has started to have her friends pick which bead on her bracelet represents them the best. What a great idea! I also realized I need more women friends!!!

So, thank you to my sisters for all that you are and all that you do! I love you all!


  1. I like blue, preferably light blue, so I choose the blue bead for me!! I agree that friends are important!

    Love Ya,

  2. I have the perfect blue just for you! I miss has been way too long! Love ya!
