Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Who Needs to See?

My daughter has been complaining for the last few months about not being able to see the board in school. I finally took her to the eye doctor last week and surprise...she needs glasses. She is near sighted. We then went and picked out some super cute glasses for her. The lady at the store was so nice and put a rush on them so she could have her glasses sooner rather than later...although I'm not sure what a rush order is for them. She said it would be 3-4 days, it has now been a week. My daughter is very disappointed that they aren't here yet. That is quite the opposite of the way that I was when I was a kid.

I got my first pair of glasses when I was 4 years old. I hated them and promptly buried them in the backyard. After that my mom was very diligent in watching my every move so I wouldn't try to flush them or something. I HATED wearing glasses, but it wasn't really just the glasses that I hated. I am mostly blind in one eye. I do have a tiny bit of sight in my eye, but I'm mostly blind. When I was younger, they thought I had a lazy eye so they gave me clear glass in one lens of my glasses and coke bottle bottom lens in the other thinking that would "strengthen" the one eye. After a year or more of doing that and it not working, they made me put a patch over my good eye to force my other eye to try and work. I was one bruised and battered kid from walking into walls on a regular basis (and believe me, I didn't need any help with that!).

After several years of this kind of torture, a specialist finally figured out that no matter what I do, it's not going to help. It is a genetic defect, not a lazy eye like they thought. I was finally free of looking like a pirate with a magnified eye that looked twice its size! Apparently there is a surgery I could have to fix my eye, but I would have to learn how to function all over again. I'm too old for that...I've lived with it this long and aside from walking into a few walls that I didn't see because they were on my blind side and not being able to watch a 3D movie, I'm okay with it and thanfully my daughter is okay with wearing glasses!

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