Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Windshield or the Bug

Do you ever have those times when you feel like you can't catch a break? In the scheme of things, it is insignificant, but still it is stressful and annoying. That is how the last couple of weeks have been for me. It seems that sickness is making the rounds lately. My son was sick, then my daughter, then my mom, it went through my sister's family...a couple of times. I have been able to ward it off, but it was just a matter of time.

A couple of weeks ago I was supposed to go on a date with a guy I met on line. I ended up having to reschedule because my mom got sick and ended up in the E. R. We rescheduled for a few days later. He then had to reschedule because he got sick. It was a bit frustrating because this is one of the few guys that have not been waving the red flags and I was interested in meeting him in person to see if it would be the same in person. We had some good phone conversations so I was encouraged by that. The day of the date came and it was a crazy day. After work I got my 30 minute workout in, picked up my kids, ran and got my haircut, went home and took a 5 minute shower and hit the road. My sister offered to babysit for me so I could go on the date. She lives in Phoenix and we were having dinner in Tempe. So, I was cruising along good on the freeway, making good time and then 10 min away from my sister's house traffic stops. I sit there and wait, and wait and wait some more. Sitting in traffic is so annoying, but when you are in a hurry it is twice as bad. I exited the freeway to see if I could make better time on the surface streets. I did ok for a little bit, but then...there was a train! Really??!! Rush hour traffic and there is a stinkin' train! I had to text him and tell him I was going to be a little bit late. Yeah, so I battle traffic, drive through some scary neighborhoods and finally make it to my sister's house. I drop them off and hit the road again. I decided to take the surface streets again because I saw the freeway going EB and it was a parking lot. Not much better. I hit every light red and traffic was backed up. I finally get to the freeway and I think it should be getting better since it was after 6 o'clock. I get on the freeway and it is moving pretty good. That is until right before my exit there is a crash and traffic is backed up. I could literally see my exit, but I couldn't get there! OMG! I was on empty too. I was going to be one of those moronic people that ran out of gas on the freeway when my exit is in sight! I was beginning to think I wasn't supposed to go on this date! I finally made it to the restaurant and it's a good thing there is a gas station in the same parking lot. The date was ok. We kind of struggled to find things to talk about. I guess we talked everything out on the phone already. He was nice and polite, but the spark wasn't there. He must have felt it too because he said he was going to call the next day. That was over a week ago and he still hasn't called. Actually, I'm ok with it.

Wednesday morning I woke up with some body aches and a scratchy voice. Great...good thing I wasn't going to be doing my regular duties that day and was only going to be helping to teach a class. I got in the car and started down the road and my brakes started grinding and squealing. That's just lovely! I have replaced those brakes twice in the last 9 months and now they are going out again!!

There are two things (ok more than two things) that really piss me off. Unexpected car troubles and sickness. I have no patience for either one. I don't have money for unexpected car troubles. When you are a single parent every dime goes somewhere. You don't have anything extra to put aside to save for those times you need to fix your car.

By the time I left work on Wed. I was feeling pretty yucky. I knew I had a fever and my voice was going, going almost gone. I spent a couple hours on the phone with a friend of mine having a mutual bitch session and by the time I hung up, I had almost no voice. I ended up being sick Thursday and Friday. My kids were probably pretty happy I didn't have a voice because then I couldn't yell at them. I'm not really much of a whiner when it comes to being sick, I just get mad. I hate being down. I have too much to do. Fever, no voice, my chest so tight it hurt. Then it turned into stuffy and yet runny nose and coughing so hard I think I'm going to cough up a lung. At least the fever is gone. A friend of mine brought me soup yesterday. that was so awesome of her!

I had no choice but to get up and take my car in today. I was thinking it was going to cost me a couple hundred bucks to fix it. Nope...more than twice that!! OMG!! Ugh...I just need a hug.

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