Saturday, February 5, 2011

Here We Go Again

Well, I decided to get back online. Why? I guess because it has been a while since I have had a real date. I don't go to bars, I don't really go anywhere except to work and stuff with my kids, so I'm back online to hopefully meet people. I haven't officially met anyone, I've chatted, but none have worked out to meet yet. On that note, I still have stuff to write about!

I found a guy on the site that was a firefighter. He said that his humor is sarcastic and the woman that he dates needs to have tough skin to handle it. He also said one of his interests was quilts. Ok, I couldn't resist! I wrote him an email and said, "Hey firefighter...or should I call you hose dragger! haha I was wondering, when you say you are interested in quilts does that mean you make them or you just really, really like them?" He wrote me back and said "Both. I love them and I make them with my sister. We have made some awesome shit!" I wrote him back, but I never heard back from him...I guess he didn't like me calling him a hosedragger and his skin isn't as thick as he wants his woman's skin to be! ha

So, I started chatting with a guy from Flag. He's an irish guy, weightlifter, poet. From his picture, his arms are as big as my thighs and let me tell ya...that's big! haha So, emailing and instant messaging was going ok until I asked him what he did for work. Oh boy, then it became all secret. He finally tells me he is "trying" to get into executive basically a bodyguard. He asked if that bothered me..."ummm...well I guess it depends on who you're guarding. If it's on the up and up, why are you so afraid to tell me about it?" "Because not all girls can handle me being around beautiful women and super models all the time." Eye roll! Bottom line, he doesn't have a job right now and he was afraid to tell me about the flag is a waving!!

Another guy is 30 and wasn't looking for anything serious. I told him I was and he still wanted to chat. I agreed to chat and we decided we would only be just friends. He wanted to meet this weekend...haven't heard from him in about 5 days. I also got a msg from a guy that didn't have a picture. This is how our emails went. From him first..."Hi. I like your eyes." "Thanks. Why don't you have a picture up?" "Hey, wanna meet in an hour?" "Ummmm...I'm at work and I don't know anything about you!" I haven't heard from him in several days and today I got a msg asking if I have plans tomorrow morning...really??? That guy kind of scares me! Another guy wrote me and said he is disabled, can't work and lives with his mom...I'm not even sure how to respond to that.

I got an instant message from a guy the other day that started out ok...until I read his profile. He's married looking for companionship...huh????? I point blank asked him why. He said he prefers women friends and no sex has to be involved. Ok, I can kinda get that...I have a lot of men friends and there is no sex involved...but I don't go looking for them online! Then he asked if he could buy me a drink! Uh, no thanks!

The next night another guy instant messaged me. He was ok until he started trying to crack jokes to break the ice. He said he only cross dressed on Tuesdays. Ok, funny...until every other sentence was about his wearing a dress on Tuesday. Ok dude, it was kinda funny the first time, but not the other 80 times...unless he really does wear dresses on Tuesdays. Yikes!

So, bottom line...the quest continues! In the very least it gives me something to blog about!

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of interesting people (men) out there. You are one of the greatest people I know. Hope things are going well.
