Sunday, October 14, 2012

Awesome Friends!

So, I have decided I have the best friends ever!  A friend of mine a while back sent out an email to his family saying that he had 3 beds in storage. He got married 3 years ago and all of his furniture has been in storage since then.  He wanted to get rid of it, first come first serve.  He then decided to send me the email too.  What an amazing coincidence...I happened to be in the market for 3 beds and I had no idea how I was going to afford that.  My bed is over 12 years old and my kid's beds are at least 15 years old, maybe older.  Every morning I wake up and I can hardly move because my back is killing me...I walk like and old lady for the first 30 minutes after I get out of bed!  I immediately wrote him back and basically said, "Pick me, pick me! I'm desperate!"  Well, he not only picked me, but he rented a truck, drove them over here and set them up for me.  I called a couple of other friends to help him load up, one of them even took the day off work to do it and drove clear across the city to help unload and set up.  The furniture is beautiful and I feel like a queen when I lay on my bed!  It is so luxurious!

He also donated some other furniture for my next fundraising yard sale...gorgeous stuff!

Most of my friends are men, in case you haven't noticed.  I do have some wonderful girlfriends though. Women that I love hanging out with because they are smart and funny and encourage me to be the best that I can be.  They aren't jealous like some female friends I have had in the past.  They are just there for me and I hope I am there for them too.  Sometimes I think I'm not that good of a friend, but I really, really want to be.

My friendships with the men in my life are completely different.  They teach me how to just say what I want to say instead of hinting.  "Spit it out woman!"  hahaha  They give me the men's perspective on things and I in turn give them the women's perspective.  They have fixed my car, replaced my air filter because I was too scared to get on the ladder, given me rides when my car was broken, even tried to play matchmaker.  Someone recently asked a girlfriend of mine if I was, how shall I say it, basically a slut because I know so many men and I'm friendly with them.  My friend laughed at her, she thought that was hilarious!  So did I frankly.  If you knew how boring my life really was, you would do the same.  These guys are my "brothers".  I need them in my life and I am so grateful to them.  I love listening to them, playing practical jokes with them and I appreciate them.  They are straightforward and I like that.  Although, men can be gross! lol

Yep, I have the best friends ever and no one will ever convince me their friends are better than mine!

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