Saturday, October 6, 2012

On Strike

A week ago, my kids and I had a go around.  I know this is nothing new for most families, especially those with teenagers.  My daughter thinks she's a teenager and has a bad attitude sometimes and my son likes to try and be the big man and argue with everything I tell him. 

After the arguing, yelling, screaming, telling me no, trashing my house and not picking up after themselves, lying, my boy telling me I OWE him (ugh!) and whatever else you want to add to the list...I went on strike!  Yep, I said, "That's it!  I'm not doing 1 damn thing around this house for a week.  If you want dinner, you have to fix it.  You will be doing the dishes everyday and all the other chores that I do around here."  And, I didn't do anything except be bossy and tell them what to do.  It was awesome!

They made dinner with my direction and did the dishes every day.  I am really looking forward to fall break for them.  Let me just say, they will not be bored!!

I think I might have to go on strike more often. :)

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