Monday, October 22, 2012

My Trip Home

Every year in my hometown during the week of homecoming, the current seniors honor the class that were seniors 25 years and 50 years ago.  Well, I'm old enough now that it was my class to be honored...for 25 years, not 50 years.  Anyway, after some planning, we did a small class reunion back in good ol' St. Johns.  I say small because due to schedule conflicts, not very many of us were able to make it.  That's ok, we are having our real reunion in the summer!

I haven't been home in well over a year.  In fact I think it is much closer to 2 years.  Due to car troubles, money issues or work schedules, I haven't been able to go.  This time I was so blessed to be able to go and things just fell into place for me to make it up there!

My high school best friend decided to go and he rode up with us.  What a fun trip that was to catch up with him and my kids absolutely love him and call him Uncle.  I'm pretty sure he was happy for the quiet time by the end of the weekend instead of hearing his name over and over about a million times!  His mom was so generous and let us stay with her and her husband on Friday.  What a lovely woman and it was so much fun!  I have always loved her! 

The first activity was the pep assembly.  When we were in High School, the assembly was held in the gym.  A few of us were trying to get into the gym and couldn't.  We finally found out it was in the auditorium.  That's different!  There were so few students, we thought they were ditching, but it turns out the number of students has shrunk quite a bit since I was in school.  At the assembly I gave a 5 minute speech about some memories from when we were in school.  I had quite a few compliments, so I guess it went pretty well. 

After the assembly, the culinary arts students made us a very nice lunch.  We were able to all sit around and visit, laugh and share memories and stories about our lives while we ate until we were rolling out of there.  We all agreed our favorites were the desserts.  There were about 6 different kinds of cheesecake.  So we all got different kinds, took a couple of bites and passed them around.  Now that is how we grew up...not afraid of each other's germs!  We then were able to wander around the school, interupt the classes and see how much things have changed.  One of the girls used this as an excuse to try and hook me up with a single teacher we found out worked there!  It was such a great time walking down memory lane.  We all remembered different things and it was so much fun!

Later that day was the homecoming parade.  We picked up a few more classmates at that time.  3 of us got on the back of the float so we could see everyone on the parade route.  Good times!  The only bad part is there was a metal ridge around the platform we were sitting on, so when I got off I scraped the back of my legs and now I have HUGE bruises. 

That night was a thing called a beanery.  I guess it was a bonfire and tailgate party thing.  The kids and I went for the last part of that and saw some old friends from town.  Then it was off to the Homecoming game.  St. Johns blew the other team out of the water.  I think the final score was 52-6.  Kind of sad actually.  We all spent our time visiting with each other and with the people we saw there instead of watching the game.  At halftime they honored our class and the class of '63.  Only one of them showed up.  Earlier in the day, a friend of mine who lives in a neighboring town texted me and said he was refereeing the game.  So after our little thing, I ran down to see the refs and got to see my friend, another guy I used to work with ages ago and met a guy that I currently work with. 

On Saturday the kids and I went to the cemetary to see Tom.  My friend's mom let us cut some flowers from her garden to lay on the grave.  The kids were so excited about that and cut some very pretty flowers.

This is the view from the cemetary.  After we left there we went driving around town.  I showed my kids all around town, looking at old homes, where I used to live and where friends and family lived.  We went to the Drug Store where I worked.  I really had fun doing it.  I don't think my kids enjoyed it as much as I did.  Although, my daughter said she loves that town and wants to live there.  LOL  After that my classmates met at the local mexican food restaurant that has been there forever.  More laughing and sharing stories with plans to have the big reunion this summer. 

After lunch the kids and I headed to Nutrioso to see my dad.  My dad has been working on building his dream house and it has come so far along.  He is getting much closer to being done and it is beautiful!  It was great to visit with my dad...I miss him so much!  I intended to do family pictures there in the mountains, but my batteries were dead so I will have to do them someplace else.  I was really sad to see all the trees on Escudilla Mountain gone from the Wallow Fire.  For as long as I can remember in the fall, the aspen trees on Escudilla would turn bright yellow and the mountain would look like it was on fire because of all the color!  Now it is all gone, there was nothing left.  So very sad. 

It was a very busy and super fun weekend and I can't wait until summer when I can go back!  Hopefully my work schedule will let me!

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